At the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen we have an open position for 3 years.
In collaboration with the Interventional Centre ( at RikshospitaletRadiumhospitalet and the Centre of Mathematics for Applications (CMA,, we have been granted the eVita project «MATMED» (Mathematical and computational methods for co-registering multi-modal medical images) from The Research Council of Norway. Two PhD positions have already been announced for the project. This tbird position will be based in Bergen. Tbe successful candidate will work on mathematical models and fast numerical methods for image segmentation, edge detection and shape construction methods. The candidate is also expected to collaborate with other team meinbers on topica related to non-rigid registration methods for multi-modal 3D image data and video streams with 3D image data.
We look for a candidate with background in one or several ofthe following areas; PDE (partial differential equation) based image processing, numerical PDE, optimization algorithms, medical image processing with registration and segmentation, computer vision.
Applicants must have achieved a cand.scient-degree, a masters degree in applied and computational mathematics or related areas, or have submitted the master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the examination results are announcecl within 4 weeks of the ciosing date for submitting the master thesis.
The candidate must take part in the Universitys approved PhD program leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years. Hence, applicants must meet the formal admission requirements for the PhD program. In total, the fellowship period is 3 years. Prof. Tai will be the main supervisor for this PhD position. The length of the fellowship period may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as a research fellow.
The starting salary is at levd 41 (code 1017) on the government salary scale (corresponding to NOK 310.500 per year), following ordinary meriting regulations. (Wage levels 41/46).
For further information about the positions please contact professor Xue-Cheng Tai, phone +47 55584868/55582862, fax: +47 55589672, e-mail or one ofthe other principal investigators: Eigil Samset (, Knut Mørken (
The University of Bergen wishes to attain a more equal gender distribution for academic positions. Female applicants are thus strongly encouraged to apply. ifseveral applicants are equally qualified for the position, the internal rules for gender quotas for academic positions will be applied.
State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.
The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions.
The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.
Electronic application and CV, and the names and contact details of two referees, are to be sent via the link «Apply for this position».
Copies of exams (both bachelor and master) and certificates, and scientific works including list of publications (all in three copies, sorted in three identical bundles) should be sent by ordinary post to Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Johs. Brunsgt. 12, NO5008 Bergen, Norway, marked 07/6086.
Closing date for applications: June 11 2007.
PhD Research FelIow at the Department of Mathematics
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