Sampoerna Foundation MBA Scholarship

Sampoerna Foundation MBA Scholarship diperpanjang deadline nya hingga
31 Mei 2007. Information Session akan diadakan pada tanggal 5 Mei 2007
dari jam 10 - 12 siang. Untuk undangan hubungi 021-577 2340.

Tentang beasiswa ini, baca informasi lengkapnya di

The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship Program is a mean to
groom Indonesia's future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation
provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master
of Business Administration degree at leading business schools
overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return
to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow

Application deadline is April 30, 2007. Applications should be
submitted as early as possible. Applicant may apply for more than one
of Sampoerna Foundation scholarship programs concurrently.

No. | Name of Scholarship(s) | Maximum number of scholarship(s)
granted for 2008 Intake
1. Sampoerna Foundation (SF) MBA in the US | 4
2. Fulbright – SF MBA in the US Scholarship* | 3
3. Australian Education International (AEI) – SF MBA in Australia | 4
4. Ambassade de France en Indon�sie – SF MBA in France | 2
5. British Council (BC) – SF MBA in the UK | 2
6. Singapore Education (SE) – SF MBA in Singapore | 2

*Please contact AMINEF about this particular program and how to apply.

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Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia 2007

Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia 2007

Sebarkan nilai persahabatan, ikuti pemilihan Duta Muda ASEAN-
Indonesia 2007.

Bila kalian merasa punya pengetahuan dan wawasan yang luas, saatnya
untuk membuktikan.
Tunjukkan bakat dan prestasi, wakili Indonesia
untuk menjadi Duta Muda ASEAN – Indonesia 2007.

Bagi yang terpilih akan mengemban tugas sebagai Duta Muda
ASEAN-Indonesia dan membantu Departemen Luar Negeri untuk melakukan
sosialisasi ASEAN selama satu tahun, mengikuti Program Pertukaran
Pemuda Antar Negara (ASEAN-Jepang( SSEAYP), Australia (AIYEP),
Canada(ICYEP) , Korea Selatan), mendapat beasiswa S-2 dari STIKOM
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta, dan hadiah produk
dari PT. Mustika Ratu, serta hadiah menarik dari sponsor lainnya.


1. Mahasiswa dan mahasiswi dari seluruh Universitas/ Akademi di
2. Berprestasi
3. Indeks Prestasi Komulatif di atas 2,75 bagi mahasiswa D-3/S-1
dan 3,00 bagi mahasiswa
4. Berwawasan luas dan memahami tentang Indonesia dan ASEAN
5. Pengalaman organisasi
6. Mempunyai bakat bidang seni dan budaya
7. Menguasai Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing
8. Kreatif dan inovatif
9. Berpenampilan menarik dengan tinggi badan minimum 165 cm untuk
mahasiswa dan 160 cm untuk mahasiswi
10. Umur peserta tidak lebih dari 30 tahun pada tanggal 8 Agustus
2007 dan belum menikah.

Persyaratan peserta:

1. Mengisi dan mengirim formulir pendaftaran
2. Menyertakan copy Kartu Mahasiswa Universitas/ Akademi yang
3. Menyertakan foto berwarna ukuran kartu pos seluruh badan dan
close up masing-masing 2 lembar, tanpa rekayasa, menggunakan
putih dan celana panjang berwarna gelap
4. Menyertakan tulisan sendiri dengan tema "Duta Muda
2007 Towards ASEAN Community' dalam Bahasa
maksimal 2 halaman kwarto, huruf Arial 12, diketik 1,5 spasi
5. Menyertakan copy bukti prestasi pendukung
6. Formulir dapat diambil dari Website Departemen Luar Negeri RI
dengan alamat
7. Formulir dan kelengkapannya diterima selambat-lambatnya Sabtu,
12 Mei 2007 dan ditujukan kepada:

Sekretariat Panitia Lomba Pemilihan Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia
C.q. Direktorat Kerjasama Fungsional ASEAN
Departemen Luar Negeri RI
Jl. Pejambon No. 6 , Gedung Utama Lantai 9
Jakarta 10110

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3 year PhD position at Cologne University

The Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology at Cologne (Köln)
University, Germany is inviting applications for a PhD position in
Meteorology. This position is within the project TOSCA (Towards an
Optimal-estimation-based Snow Characterization Algorithm) funded by the
German Science Foundation and it is available for a three-year period
(starting as soon as possible). The goal of TOSCA is to develop methods
for profiling snowing and thick ice clouds by exploiting a suite of
active and passive microwave sensors and additional measurements in two
measurement configurations (one space-borne, the other ground-based).
This will create an unprecedented test-bed for evaluating microphysical
schemes for cloud and precipitating ice within climate and NWP models,
thus improving the understanding of the characteristics of mid-latitude
winterly precipitation.

The successful applicant will work on the development of an optimal
estimation technique for ground-based profiling of ice water content,
but also particle size distribution mean size and habit for given
environmental conditions, i.e. temperature and humidity profiles.
Specifcally the theortical focus will be on deriving/applying a suited
single scattering approximation for fast radiative transfer
calculations, the determination of adequate microphysical a priori
profiles and the combination of cloud radar, microwave radiometer,
ceilometer and disdrometer measurements into a unified retrieval scheme.
Additonally, the pratical part will comprise of setting up, performing
and evaluating the measurements at the Environmental Research Station
Schneefernerhaus ( located at the top of
Germany in the Alps at 2650m during two dedicated measurement campaigns.

This work requires good computing skills and background in physics,
meteorology, and/or atmospheric sciences. Any knowledge/skill in
microwave radiative transfer, retrieval algorithm development,
radar/radiometer data analysis or carrying out remote sensing
measurements will be of advantage.

Salary: 50% Bat IIa (around 1000 €/month, net)

Please send a cover letter and supporting documents (CV and
documentation of your academic record including a list of publications,
a short description of research interests, and possibly letters of
recommendation) to Dr. Ulrich Löhnert, Institute for Meteorology and
Geophysics, Cologne University, Zülpicher Straße 49a, 50674 Köln,
Germany or to loehnert@...

An electronic copy of the TOSCA proposal with full details of the
project is available at

The closing date is May 30, 2007.

Best regards,
Ulrich Löhnert

Dr. Ulrich Loehnert, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology
Zülpicher Str. 49a, 50674 Cologne, Germany
Email: loehnert@...
Phone: ++49 +221 470 1779/Fax: ++49 +221 470 5161

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website link:


In Summer 2007 graduate courses in mathematics will be organized under
the sponsorship of the Consorzio per l'Alta Formazione in Matematica
(CIAFM), and of the Ministery of University and Research (MUR), at the
University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy); the courses will take place
from July 30- August 31, 2007.

The courses are directed towards young graduates wishing to study
mathematics at a graduate level.

The list of courses offered is attached. Each participant is required
to choose two courses for a total of 10 hours a week of lectures in
addition to problem sessions. Daily attendance is compulsory for
participants. Although written tests will be given by the lecturers,
no certification of proficiency will be issued.

Fifthteen SMI fellowships will be available to foreign participants to
help cover their living expenses during the course. The fellowship
holders will receive Euro 300 and will be paid lodging expenses in the
Casa dello Studente. As a further contribution to the participants,
text-books and lecture notes will be provided by the School.

In case extra funds will become available, a limited number of travel
grants, partially covering travel expenses, might be awarded to
foreign participants coming from foreign countries, who explicitly
request them. Should travel grants become available, they will only be
paid upon submission of original travel documents, and will never
exceed Euro 600.

Applications should be sent by mail to the following address:

Polo Scientifico – CNR Edificio F
via Madonna del Piano
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) – Italy

and should reach this address before May 21, 2007. A selection
committee will meet shortly afterwards and all admitted foreign
applicants will be notified of the result in due time. Applications
should contain the titles of three courses the applicant would like to
attend (in order of preference), a BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE, and a
DETAILED CURRICULUM STUDIORUM (including a certificate with the list
of university courses taken and corresponding grades). Applicants are
requested to state if their participation is conditioned by the
allotment of a fellowship and/or travel grant. They should indicate
very clearly the exact address to which all correspondence concerning
the Summer Course should be mailed.

Information - Programs and further information can be found on the WEB
page of SMI at the address:

or can be obtained by e-mail at the address:


Programs and further information can also be required by fax at n.
+39-055-5225812 (please address the fax to: Scuola Matematica
Interuniversitaria), or by mail at the following address:

Polo Scientifico – CNR Edificio F
via Madonna del Piano
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) – Italy

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THE ICE Bachelor Scholarship in Tourism and Hospitality

The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE) is an Australian government initiative to encourage excellence in tourism and hospitality education. We offer scholarship grants to international students who wish to study tourism and hospitality in Australia at THE-ICE member institutions. Our member’s programs have been independently assessed by an international panel and successfully met THE-ICE Standards of Excellence , which were especially developed to endorse high quality tourism, hospitality and event programs. Scholarship applicants can choose from over 60 programs in tourism business management, hotel/resort management, sport/event tourism or ecotourism.

Scholarship grants are offered on the basis of excellence for Masters, Bachelor and Diploma level studies commencing in Semester 1, 2008. Choose from the programs listed below. All information regarding conditions of award eligibility and selection criteria is included on the application form which can be downloaded by entering your details in the Start Here section at left, then click the application download and any program links listed below to view details.

Applications for Semester 1, close on August 31, 2007. Mail applications here. Please revisit this website or see our monthly for new scholarship announcements.

Remember to read the eligibility and selection criteria on the application form carefully to see if you can meet the criteria. Please see Frequently Asked Scholarship Questions (at left), and email any further questions to:<
Also see Scholarship Winner’s Profiles and read about Scholar’s Experiences

Bachelor Scholarship
• 1 Bachelor scholarship available
• To commence Semester 1, 2008
(usually February/March depending on institution and program selected)
• Scholarship offers a grant of AUD $10,000 per year for the normal
program duration (usually 3 years)
• Application closing date is August 31, 2007

Select from THE-ICE quality-endorsed member programs listed here.

For more information on eligibility criteria and to apply, please complete your details at Start Here first. This will then enable you to click this link to Download Masters Scholarship Eligibility Criteria/Application Form.

Send your applications to:

THE-ICE Scholarship Applications,
The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education,
Postal Mailbox 1272,
Tweed Heads NSW 2485, Australia.

Applications must be received by close of business on August 31, 2007 for Semester 1, 2008.

Thank you for your interest. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of excellent merit and winners will be contacted by email.
Email any questions to:

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20 PhD Studentships at AICES, RWTH Aachen, Germany

PhD Studentship
Aachen Institute for Advanced Studies in Computational Engineering
Science (AICES)

The graduate school “Aachen Institute for Advanced Studies in
Computational Engineering Science” (AICES) at RWTH Aachen University,
Germany is looking for 20 doctoral students. The program is attractive
to students with science and engineering degrees on the B.S. or higher
level. The graduate school sets out to advance computational
engineering science in three critical areas of synthesis: model
identification and discovery supported by model-based experimentation,
understanding scale interaction and scale integration, and optimal
design and operation of engineered systems.

The AICES program provides an integrated and highly interdisciplinary
research-oriented training for very talented students.

Further information: http://www.aices. rwth-aachen. de/admission

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The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN)

The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), with the support of Rockefeller Foundation is pleased to announce the sixth round of Research Fellowship program for young Muslim scholar in Southeast Asia.

Themes of this round are :
- Popular Islam
- Globalisation and Identity Politics
- Islam and Changing gender reality
- Islamic values. economic activities and social

Candidate must be from countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Phillipines and women are strongly encouraged
to apply. Proposal in the field of Islamic values, economic activities and social responsibilities will be given priority for this round.

Closing date of application is 30 November 2007, for futher information visit our website http://fellowship. arf-asia. org/ If you are interested to apply, please send us research proposal (problem statement, objective, methodology, expected impacts) and application form (also available on the website).

Please, forward and distribute this information to all your collegues from your networks, who could benefit this program. If you have any question about this program, feel free to contact us.

Warm Regards,

Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah (Ruby)

Program Cordinator of Research Fwllowship
Program Islam in Southeast Asia: Views from Within
House 1562/113, Soi 1/1 Mooban Pibul, Pracharaj
Road,Bangkok 10800, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-9130196, Fax: 66-2-9130197
Email: aman@arf-asia. org

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Dicari: Duta Indonesia ke PRIC 2007!

Ajang pencarian duta Indonesia untuk menjadi wakil ke camp remaja Asia
Pasifik kembali digelar. Untuk tahun ini, saya dan rekan-rekan panitia
pemilihan akan menerapkan metode pemilihan duta yang berbeda. Jadi simak
baik-baik dan dapatkan tiketmu untuk terbang ke Tokyo dan mewakili Indonesia
disponsori oleh NPO Pacific Rim International Camp.

Kriteria Peserta
Duta yang kami cari adalah pria berumur 16 atau atau 17 tahun pada tanggal 1
Agustus 2007. Duta haruslah terdaftar di sebuah sekolah dan belum lulus
dari kelas 3 SMA. Duta juga harus siap mental dan fisik untuk
kegiatan-kegiatan luar ruang. Selain itu, duta juga harus memiliki kemampuan
komunikasi sangat baik dalam bahasa Inggris dan mampu berpresentasi dan
menyampaikan argumen di depan publik. Kami lebih mencari duta yang belum
pernah berpergian ke Jepang sebelumnya.

Mengenai PRIC
NPO Pacific Rim International Student Camp adalah lembaga non-profit yang
terdaftar di pemerintahan kota Tokyo, Jepang. Ia menjalankan Pacific Rim
International Camp, dikenal juga dengan PRIC, sebuah camp edukasi untuk
remaja setiap tahunnya di Jepang. Camp ini tanpa biaya (tiket pesawat,
akomodasi, transport dan makan ditanggung penyelenggara).

Tahun ini, PRIC akan di adakan di "Shinshu Takato National Youth Center"
(TYC). Berangkat minggu pertama Agustus 2007 dan kembali minggu ketiga
Agustus 2007.

Tujuan "PRIC"
In order to meet the challenges of globalization, The Pacific Rim
International Student Camp's purpose is to promote cultural appreciation and
international friendship through mutual understanding. In uniting people
from countries of the Pacific area, PRIC creates a multi-cultural
environment reflecting the diversity of modern international relations.

The camp's goal is to encourage active involvement in the development of
society and personal contributions to complex multinational affairs.
However, as the camp's host country, Japan has a special opportunity and
obligation to present itself. Therefore a section of the camp's program is
designed to reveal the country and let the campers experience both
traditional and modern Japan for themselves.

Additionally, in the tradition sense of a summer camp, PRIC endeavors to
provide a character building experience encouraging friendship, leadership
and fellowship. Through 56 years of experience, it has become evident that
the most effective way to promote such ideals in a short period of time is
for the participants to live together. Furthermore, the camp strives to
educate the campers about nature and to deepen their appreciation for the

In sum, PRIC's programs and activities are designed to train the body, mind
and spirit towards creating young international pioneers, the leaders of

Mengenai "Camp"
The camp, which is free of charge, is conducted both in English and in
Japanese in Tokyo and the Takato Youth Center in Nagano Prefecture. The
program consist of outdoor activities, country presentations and
intercultural programs conducted in surrounding mountain and lakes at Takato
facilities. The Japanese culture program is designed to give all campers a
chance to learn more about the host country through touring, visiting
factories and meeting business leaders.

Mengenai "Fee"
The host organization will bear all necessary expenses of room and board
during the camp programs including one round-trip ticket to Japan and all
the program expenses within Japan. The participant, however, shall be
responsible for the travel expenses within local transportation in his
country, expenses for obtaining entry visa to Japan and any other personal

Mengenai "Kewajiban"
The participant, once selected, must prepare all necessary preparation to
join in the camp. These include presentation materials, souvenirs, and
administrative requirements (visa, etc). The committee will aid participant
in guiding to prepare all necessary items for camp.

Pendaftaran Peserta Indonesia
Calon duta harus menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

• Why do you want to participate in PRIC? Tell us about your motivation.
• Do you think you, as an individual, can make a contribution to the
promotion of international understanding? If you do, how do you think you
can make this contribution?
• Have you ever made a speech in front of audience? If yes, when, to
whom, and for what occassion?
• What are you good at? In other words, what are your personal strenght?
And what are your weaknesses?
• Describe your plans and hope for your future
• Can you interview 3 most significant people in your life to tell you
about yourself.

Calon duta lalu harus membuat blog di dan memuat jawaban
dari pertanyaan diatas. Cara menjawabnya boleh sekreatif mungkin, mulai dari
blog entry, komik atau video (kami menyarankan video anda tidak lebih dari
10 menit).

Alamat multiply anda harus dikirimkan via email ke dengan subject "PRIC 2007: %namaanda%" sebelum 5 May 2007 Jam 12:00 WIB. Semakin cepat entry anda diterima makin baik. Anda juga harus menyertakan personal data anda dengan email tersebut yang harus berisikan no. telp yang bisa dihubungi. Selain menjawab pertanyaan diatas, calon duta juga harus menyiapkan (bila nantinya terpilih untuk interview):

• Letter of recommendation, written by school principal or appropriate
• Letter of permission from parents / guardian
• Copy of valid passport

Peserta yang lolos seleksi maksimal akan diberitahukan pada tanggal 10 May
2007. Tanggal, lokasi dan tata cara proses interview akan dibertahukan
kepada calon duta yang terpilih. Kami hanya memilih 3 calon duta untuk di

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan kami tunggu entry anda.

Panitia Pemilihan

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Undergraduate Scholarships at Politecnico di Torino, Italy

SiTI project

The SiTI project offers international students the possibility to receive a
scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino
attending a Bachelor of Science course in Architecture and Engineering.

The initiative is promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and is supported by SiTI
- Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l'innovazione (Higher
Institute on Innovation Territorial Systems).

Vercelli Campus project
The project offers international students the possibility to receive a
scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di
Torino attending a Bachelor of Science (BS) course in Electronics and
Computer Engineering at the Vercelli campus.

The initiative is promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and is
supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Vercelli, Provincia di
Vercelli and Comune di Vercelli.

Verres/Ivrea Campus project

The project offers international students the possibility to receive a
scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino
attending a Bachelor of Science (BS) course in Computer Engineering or in
Mechatronic Engineering at the Verres/Ivrea campus.
The courses are held in Italian.

The initiative is promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and is supported by
Regione Piemonte.

Call for Applications for the 2007/2008 academic year\

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3 PhD Students in Cryptography at University of Luxembourg

3 PhD students (M/F) in cryptography

Application End : Monday 30 April 2007

The University of Luxembourg is looking within the Laboratory of Algorithms, Security and Cryptology (LACS) of its Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication, for

3 PhD STUDENTS IN CRYPTOGRAPHY (M/F) - 2 year-contract, renewable once - 20 hours/week.

The University of Luxembourg has a strong commitment towards research in security and cryptography. We welcome application in all areas of cryptography, but candidates interested in the following fields are particularly encouraged to apply:

* Design and cryptanalysis of public-key algorithms and protocols.
* Cryptanalysis and construction of block-ciphers, stream-ciphers and hash functions
* New mathematical techniques applicable to cryptography
* Side-channel attacks and countermeasures.


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Beasiswa BPMIGAS -KKKs tahun 2007







NIP. 131118142


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Ericsson Indonesia Scholarship Program - Deadline 30 April 2007

Ericsson believes in an "all communicating" world. Voice, data, images
and video are conveniently communicated anywhere and anytime in the
world, increasing both quality-of-life, productivity and enabling a
more resource-efficient world. Now we are actively seeking more great
minds to make it reality. Move with us into the future.

We invite you to join us in sharing this vision and apply for this
scholarship to pursue Master degree within the area of Wireless
Systems, at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden.

Three scholarships are available and competition is very keen.

Applicant Eligibility

1. Applicants must be Indonesian citizens.
2. Must have finished Bachelor (S1) of Electrical/Electronics
Engineering, or Computer Engineering.
3. Courses must have included unit of fundamental mathematics in
linear algebra, Fourier methods, and probability theory.
4. Students must have taken (and passed with distinction) a general
course on Signals and Systems, including material on: continuous and
discrete time signals, sampling, linear filters and systems, and
Fourier methods.
5. Applicants must have good oral and written skills in English,
and a minimum TOEFL score of 600 (245 for computer-based test, or 85
for Internet-based test) or a minimum IELTS score of 6.5.

Selection and Verification Process

1. Ericsson works with KTH to identify and select scholarship
2. Judges decisions are final and no correspondences will be
3. The academic year starts in August 2007 and lasts until June
2009 (including examinations).
4. Student should be arrived at KTH in early August 2007.
5. Applicants should be in healthy condition and it is supported by
recommendation letter by the general practitioner from local hospital.

Announcement of the Scholarship Award Recipients

The winner is expected to be in Jakarta on May 29 to receive the award.

Program Limits

1. Ericsson retains the right to change or terminate this program
at any time, and prior notification will be made accordingly.
2. Ericsson is not responsible for lost applications, lost
verification of enrollment, or information or materials misplaced or
delayed through the mail or other delivery processes.
3. Once submitted, all information and materials become the
property of Ericsson, and will not be returned. All information will
be kept confidential.

How to Apply

Please get the application through ScholarshipApplication.pdf and
follow the instruction.
(Applications & requirements must be received by Ericsson no later
than April 30, 2007)

You must carefully read the terms and conditions and please submit all
the required documents according to the Checklist School of Electrical

Send the application to:

PT Ericsson Indonesia
Code: Scholarship

Attn: Yoke Prabandari
Internal Relations Manager

Marketing & Communications Division
Wisma Pondok Indah, 2nd Floor
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda V TA
Jakarta 12310 - Indonesia
Office: +62 21 769 2222
Fax: +62 21 769 7288
Email: yoke.prabandari@...

General Conditions of Award:

Participants shall follow the program approved for them. Request for
change of program will not be entertained. Participants should
participate in all activities related to the program. Participants are
not allowed to participate in any political and/or commercial
activities in any capacity whatsoever.

* This award is valid for selected participants only.
* Participants will be required to return to Indonesia upon
completion of the course or at the end of the tenure of the
scholarship whichever is earlier.
* The award may be terminated at any time for the reasons of
unsatisfactory conduct, breaches of the conditions of the award, or
failure to make satisfactory progress.

Terms and Condition Covered by Ericsson:

* A return air ticket on economy class is provided Jakarta -
Sweden - Jakarta. Expenditures such as excess baggage fees and others
related will be borne by the recipients.
* Tuition Fee and daily subsistence allowance will be given by
Ericsson and will be arranged by KTH.
* Selected travel & medical insurance is provided during
recipients stay in Sweden.

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PhD Scholarships in Economics 2007

website link:

Application to the RGS Econ (Flyer Application)

The RGS Econ offers a distinguished three-year Ph.D. program in
Economics to outstanding young and motivated researchers with an
excellent academic record and a Master, Diploma or equivalent degree
in economics or related fields.

General Information

The Ruhr Graduate School of Economics (RGS Econ) offers research and
higher education in economics. Emphasis is on analytical theories and
advanced methods. It is a joint project of the

- Ruhr University Bochum,
- University of Dortmund,
- University of Duisburg-Essen and
- RWI Essen - Institute for Economic Research.

The RGS Econ explicitly combines the expertise of researchers from all
four participating institutions, thus providing an ideal complement to
the established NRW Graduate Schools which have been implemented at
various universities of Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW) in 2001.

Application Deadline:
The academic year starts October 1st.
The next deadline for applying is May 15th 2007.

Application Procedure:
The Evaluation of applications starts when the deadline has passed in
the middle of May. The Board of Management will review the
applications and make a selection of promising candidates until mid of
June. After that a small number of candidates will be invited to an
interview. Final decisions are communicated until end of June.

A limited number of qualified applicants admitted to the Ruhr Graduate
School will be granted a scholarship of 1250 Euro per month. The
scholarship is tax-free. Its maximum duration is three years.

Submit your application to:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leininger, Ph.D.
Dortmund University
Department of Economics
44221 Dortmund

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Postgraduate Research Studentships - Open University UK

This is your opportunity to study for a full-time research degree in a
subject that fuels your interest and inspires your imagination. You will
receive at least *£12,600 a year* (tax free) to study and live in a city
that is unlike anywhere else in England.

These studentships are tenable from 1 October 2007 and you will be nominated
for Research Council funding or considered for OU awards. You should have
(or expect to gain in 2007) at least a good honours degree in a relevant

Our campus in Milton Keynes is the base for over 250 full-time postgraduate
students, and 1200 academic and research staff. You will normally be
expected to live in the area and use the University's extensive research

We are still accepting applications for study in:

- Health and Social Care
- Knowledge Media
- Management (until 30 April 2007)
- Mathematics and Computing
- Science
- Technology

To request the Research Degrees Prospectus 2007/8 please submit your name
and full postal address (*quoting RDHG*) to: The Open University, PO Box 625
, Milton Keynes , MK7 6AA or phone 0870 9000308 or email
general-enquiries@... quoting the reference code *RDHG*.

Alternatively, you can visit our website:

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PhD Scholarships in Economics 2007,The Ruhr Graduate School of Economics (RGS Econ)

website link:

Application to the RGS Econ (Flyer Application)

The RGS Econ offers a distinguished three-year Ph.D. program in
Economics to outstanding young and motivated researchers with an
excellent academic record and a Master, Diploma or equivalent degree
in economics or related fields.

General Information

The Ruhr Graduate School of Economics (RGS Econ) offers research and
higher education in economics. Emphasis is on analytical theories and
advanced methods. It is a joint project of the

- Ruhr University Bochum,
- University of Dortmund,
- University of Duisburg-Essen and
- RWI Essen - Institute for Economic Research.

The RGS Econ explicitly combines the expertise of researchers from all
four participating institutions, thus providing an ideal complement to
the established NRW Graduate Schools which have been implemented at
various universities of Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW) in 2001.

Application Deadline:
The academic year starts October 1st.
The next deadline for applying is May 15th 2007.

Application Procedure:
The Evaluation of applications starts when the deadline has passed in
the middle of May. The Board of Management will review the
applications and make a selection of promising candidates until mid of
June. After that a small number of candidates will be invited to an
interview. Final decisions are communicated until end of June.

A limited number of qualified applicants admitted to the Ruhr Graduate
School will be granted a scholarship of 1250 Euro per month. The
scholarship is tax-free. Its maximum duration is three years.

Submit your application to:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leininger, Ph.D.
Dortmund University
Department of Economics
44221 Dortmund

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Medical research and internships grant

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has opened a call for application for the
<> scholarships. This program is open to young academics and
researchers in the field of medical sciences who plan to pursue medical research
in France. Deadline for application : 1 May 2007.

For more information :
The call for application for the examination to be an intern in a French
hospital has also been opened. Deadline for application : 15 May 2007.

For more information please visit :

or contact :
Scientific assistant Embassy of France in Australia
Science and Technology Section
6 Perth Avenue - Yarralumla ACT 2600
Tel : (61-2) 6216 0131 Fax : (61-2) 6216 0156

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Beasiswa 100 % s/d Tamat S-1

Sampaikan ke temen-temen kita, bahwa stie kasih bangsa telah membuka
kembali pendaftaran mahasiswa baru dengan fasilitas beasiswa 100% s/d
tamat S-1 bagi yang memenuhi syarat. Datang saja ke kampus STIE Kasih
Bangsa di Jl. Dr. kasih No.1 (masuk dari Jl.E) Kebon Jeruk Telp.
5363420, 081513257065, 68486263.
Lokasi kampus dekat stasiun RCTI kebon jeruk.
syarat pendaftaran : fotocopy ijasah+SKHU terlegalisir 3 lembar (bagi
yang telah lulus SMU/SMK/sederajat setelah th. 2004) atau fotocopy
raport kelas 1+2+3(sem.1) untuk siswa yang masih duduk di kelas 3,
copy ktp 2 lembar dan pas photo 3x4 dan 4x6 masing-masing 4 lembar.

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Design Innovation Scholarship (Parsial) - University of Plymo

Faculty of Arts

Applications are invited for a Scholarship in the Faculty of Arts,
University of Plymouth for practice-led postgraduate research (MPhil/PhD)
specialising in Three Dimensional Design. The Scholarship will commence on 1
October 2007.

We will consider proposals in any area of Design but would particularly
welcome those from well-qualified applicants that relate to the following
areas of our expertise:

- Design for a Sustainable Future
- Digital Design for Creative Manufacturing
- Design Thinking Expressed Through Making
- Approaches to Trans-disciplinary Design Methods.

The scholarship (UK/EU fees plus stipend of £12500 per annum for 2007/8)
will be awarded to a new, full time student for 3 years (subject to
satisfactory progress). Applications from non-UK/EU students are welcome
with the expectation that funds have been secured to meet the difference in
fee level.
The successful candidate will have a good first degree, and preferably an MA
or MDes (or equivalent experience) in a relevant discipline. You will need
to show potential to develop a range of appropriate advanced research
skills. Scholarship applications will be assessed on a competitive basis
reflecting scholarly, professional and industrial merit. We are concerned
with the originality, viability and quality of the application and with its
relevance and potential contribution to our research communities.
The successful candidate will be part of a thriving University Design
culture that offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (, and will be located within Innovate, the Faculty's Centre
for Creative Industries (

*How to Apply
*Applications should be made on a University of Plymouth Postgraduate Study
application form. Please complete, sign and return your application form by
post to the following address:
The Faculty of Arts Research & Graduate Affairs Office, University of
Plymouth, Earl Richards Road North, Exeter, Devon EX2 6AS, U.K.

In Section 1 of the form ('Programme of Study') please write 'Design
Innovation Scholarship'. You should include a 500 word summary of your
chosen project (in Section 8). Although you must provide names and details
for two referees (Section 11), these will only be taken up if you are
shortlisted for the Scholarship.
Please note that you are expected to submit (e.g. via CD-rom) appropriate
visual evidence of your ability to undertake the proposed project , or
direct us to a website where this is accessible. If shortlisted, you will
have the opportunity to supplement this material at interview (e.g. via

Interviews will be held in Plymouth (to be held between 4 - 8 June 2007). If
you are unavailable on any of these dates, please let us know when you
submit your application. Non-UK applicants may be interviewed by

*Closing date for applications is 7 May 2007.*

For further information about this opportunity, please contact the Faculty
of Arts Research & Graduate Affairs Office: Email:
artsresearch@... Telephone: (01392) 485087.

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Postgraduate Research Studentships - Open University UK

This is your opportunity to study for a full-time research degree in a
subject that fuels your interest and inspires your imagination. You will
receive at least *£12,600 a year* (tax free) to study and live in a city
that is unlike anywhere else in England.

These studentships are tenable from 1 October 2007 and you will be nominated
for Research Council funding or considered for OU awards. You should have
(or expect to gain in 2007) at least a good honours degree in a relevant

Our campus in Milton Keynes is the base for over 250 full-time postgraduate
students, and 1200 academic and research staff. You will normally be
expected to live in the area and use the University's extensive research

We are still accepting applications for study in:

- Health and Social Care
- Knowledge Media
- Management (until 30 April 2007)
- Mathematics and Computing
- Science
- Technology

To request the Research Degrees Prospectus 2007/8 please submit your name
and full postal address (*quoting RDHG*) to: The Open University, PO Box 625
, Milton Keynes , MK7 6AA or phone 0870 9000308 or email
general-enquiries@... quoting the reference code *RDHG*.

Alternatively, you can visit our website:

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