Beasiswa S1 Universitas Islam Indonesia - Mahasiswa Unggulan

Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren

Mahasiswa Unggulan Pondok Pesantren UII dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) tipe :
Tipe A, yaitu mahasiswa yang mendapatkan beasiswa penuh selama masa studi
baik beasiswa kuliah maupun pesantren.

Tipe B, yaitu mahasiswa yang mendapatkan beasiswa pesantren selama masa
Tipe A:
1. Lulus Ujian Potensi Calon Mahasiswa (UPCM) UII Surat Panggilan
lulus UPCM UII
2. Terdaftar sebagai calon mahasiswa unggulan Pondok Pesantren UII
Telah mendaftar sebagai calon mahasiswa unggulan Pondok Pesantren UII
3. Berijazah SMA/MAN (S) Foto copy ijazah yang telah dilegalisasi
4. Masuk ranking 10 (sepuluh) besar di sekolah masing-masing Surat
Keterangan dari Kepala Sekolah/ Pondok Pesantren
5. Nilai rata-rata raport dan UAN minimal 7 (tujuh)
• Foto copy raport kelas 3 (tiga) dan
• Foto copy Nilai Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN)
Masing-masing telah dilegalisasi
6. Berkelakuan baik SKCK dari POLRI
7. Mempunyai prestasi lain dan aktif berorganisasi Piagam/Surat
8. Berakhlak yang baik Surat rekomendasi dari tokoh masyarakat atau
pimpinan pondok pesantren setempat
9. Laki-laki berusia maksimal 21 tahun Foto copy akte kelahiran
10. Sehat jasmani
Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter

11. Dapat Berbahasa Arab dan Inggris secara aktif (memiliki TOEFL Score minimal 450)

Tes lisan dan tertulis serta menyerahkan TOEFL score minimal 450 (bagi yang belum mempunyai sertifikat TOEFL dapat melakukan tes TOEFL di CILACS UII Jln. Patimura No. 7 Kotabaru Yogyakarta Telp. 0274 514779 atau di Lembaga Bahasa lain yang diakui oleh UII)
Hak Mahasiswa Unggulan Tipe A
Peserta yang diterima dalam Program Mahasiswa Unggulan Tipe A, berhak memperoleh :

Beasiswa Bebas Uang Kuliah Selama Masa Studi, meliputi :

(1) Bebas SPP selama kuliah
(2) Bebas Sumbangan Catur Dharma
(3) Bebas Biaya Lembaga Kemahasiswaan
(4) Bebas Biaya Praktikum
(5) Bebas Biaya KKN
(6) Bebas Beasiswa Wisuda

Beasiswa Pondok Pesantren Selama Masa Studi, meliputi :

(1) Bebas Biaya SPP Pondok Pesantren
(2) Memperoleh Fasilitas tempat tinggal (asrama/pondok).
(3) Bebas Penggunaan Fasilitas Pondok (perpustakaan, internet dan fasilitas
olah raga)

Tipe : B
Persyaratan: No Persyaratan

1. Lulus Ujian Potensi Calon Mahasiswa (UPCM) UII Surat Panggilan lulus UPCM UII
2. Terdaftar sebagai calon mahasiswa unggulan Pondok Pesantren UII Telah mendaftar sebagai calon mahasiswa unggulan Pondok Pesantren UII
3. Berijazah SMA/MAN (S) Foto copy ijazah yang telah dilegalisasi
4. Masuk ranking 15 (lima belas) besar di sekolah masing-masing Surat Keterangan dari Kepala Sekolah/ Pondok Pesantren
5. Nilai rata-rata raport dan UAN minimal 6,5 (enam koma lima)
• Foto copy raport kelas 3 (tiga) dan
• Foto copy Nilai Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN)
Masing-masing telah dilegalisasi
6. Berkelakuan baik SKCK dari POLRI
7. Mempunyai prestasi lain dan aktif berorganisasi Piagam/Surat keterangan
8. Berakhlak yang baik Surat rekomendasi dari tokoh masyarakat atau pimpinan pondok pesantren setempat
9. Laki-laki berusia maksimal 21 tahun Foto copy akte kelahiran
10.Sehat jasmani Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter
11.Dapat Berbahasa Arab dan Inggris secara aktif (memiliki TOEFL Score minimal 450) tes lisan dan tertulis serta menyerahkan TOEFL score minimal 450 (bagi yang belum mempunyai sertifikat TOEFL dapat melakukan tes TOEFL di CILACS UII Jln. Patimura No. 7 Kotabaru Yogyakarta Telp. 0274 514779 atau di Lembaga Bahasa lain yang diakui oleh UII)

Hak Mahasiswa Unggulan Tipe B

Peserta yang diterima dalam Program Mahasiswa Unggulan Tipe B berhak memperoleh :

Beasiswa Pondok Pesantren Selama Masa Studi, meliputi :

(1) Bebas Biaya SPP Pondok Pesantren
(2) Bebas Penggunaan Fasilitas Pondok (perpustakaan, internet dan fasilitas olah raga)
(3) Memperoleh Fasilitas tempat tinggal (asrama/pondok).

Mendapat kesempatan memperoleh beasiswa internal (reguler) UII dan eksternal.

Kewajiban Mahasiswa Unggulan Tipe B

Membayar uang kuliah seperti peraturan yang berlaku, mengikuti pendidikan dan melaksanakan kegiatan yang ditetapkan oleh Pondok Pesantren UII.

Cara Pendaftaran untuk Mahasiswa Unggulan Tipe A dan B :

Membayar biaya pendaftaran UPCM di Gedung Rektorat Kampus Terpadu atau di
tempat pendaftaran dan ujian yang telah ditunjuk oleh UII.

Melakukan proses key in data untuk mendapatkan Kartu Peserta UPCM.

Mengikuti tes UPCM.

Mengisi formulir Mahasiswa Unggulan yang dilampiri dengan persyaratan dan diserahkan atau dikirim (bagi yang berasal dari luar kota) ke Sekretariat Bidang III Gedung Rektorat UII Jalan Kaliurang Km 14,5 Yogyakarta.

Mengikuti tes khusus mahasiswa Unggulan sesuai jadwal.
Jadwal Tes Khusus Mahasiswa Unggulan
Gelombang Pendaftaran dan penyerahan Formulir
Ujian Pesantren
Pengumuman Hasil Ujian Pesantren
I 1 - 11 Mei 2007
15 Mei 2007
29 Mei 2007
II 4 - 15 Juni 2007
21 Juni 2007
1 Juli 2007
III 2 - 13 Juli 2007
19 Juli 2007
4 Agustus 2007


Program Mahasiswa Unggulan dikhususkan hanya untuk yang mengambil jenjang
Strata Satu (S1).

Semua Fakultas ditawarkan untuk program mahasiswa unggulan, kecuali Fakultas Kedokteran.

Keterangan selengkapnya dapat ditanyakan di :
Pondok Pesantren UII, telp/fax. (0274) 4333161 / kontak person:
Sus Purnomo (0274) 7154219

Tempat Tes: Ruang Sidang Pondok Pesantren UII, Jalan Selokan Mataram, Dabag,
Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Materi Tes: Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Inggris, Psikotes, dan Wawancara.

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Research Scholarships (tuition fee waiver) in Media and Commu

Research scholarships Media and communication
The Communication and Media Research Institute

Fixed term (renewable for 3 years subject to satisfactory progress)

*£12,000 p.a. tax-free stipend (plus tuition fee waiver)*

The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) based in the School
of Media, Arts and Design at the University of Westminster is one of the
UK's leading research centres (RAE 5, 1992, 1996, 2001), and has an
international reputation in media policy and economics, media history, and
media audiences. The Institute hosts the University's China Media Centre and
Arab Media Centre. It is developing work in media audiences and identities,
and Indian and African media. CAMRI is in the Department of Journalism and
Mass Communication, which runs the UK's oldest degree in media studies, a
suite of Master's programmes and an established ESRC recognised doctoral
programme. We currently have an opportunity for two students to undertake an
MPhil/PhD in media and communication.

Also see research scholarships in Arts, Media and Cultural Criticism.
In recognition of the scholarship, the successful candidates will also be
required to undertake teaching or research assistant duties not exceeding 6
hours per week. To be eligible to apply, you will need to hold an Upper
Second Class Honours first degree in a relevant subject, and a Master's
degree, or equivalent postgraduate standing.

Prospective students wishing to discuss an application informally may
contact Dr Roza Tsagarousianou for the CAMRI Scholarships (

To receive a University application pack and further details of the
scholarships, please contact Erica Spindler (e.spindler@...). You
should specify that you wish to apply for the CAMRI Scholarship.

*Closing date for receipt of applications: 20 April 2007*

Interviews are likely to be held in May and the successful candidates will
be required to attend enrolment/induction on 13 September 2007. The
scholarships will commence in October 2007.

For further information on research activity within the School of Media,
Arts and Design, visit our web page at
Harrow Campus

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PhD position in Microbial Ecology - University of Groningen

PhD position in Microbial Ecology University of Groningen
PhD position in Microbial Ecology - project 1 (1.0 fte)
(Groningen), 38 hours per week
University of Groningen

Job description
Function title: PhD position in Microbial Ecology
PhD position (RUG): The objectives of project 1 are to assess the functional
and structural prokaryote diversity of soil under potato (baseline) and to
establish sensitive bacterial and archaeal bioindicators on the basis of
molecular tools. Prokarya interacting with local fungi will also be studied.
The effects of the presence of transgenes in potato will then be assessed
using the indicators and the baseline as the comparator.

Required education/skills:Secundary Vocational Level lower level
We are looking for persons carrying a masters or equivalent degree in
microbiology/ecology with preferably a strong background in molecular
biology and modern soil microbiology. The project is demanding and asks for
dedication as well as a creative mind. The candidate should have a strong
interest in modern soil microbiology research and affinity with experimental
work on bacteria. Good proficiency of the English language is required. The
candidate is supposed to attend a few graduate courses and to assist in
teaching (10% of time).
Job type: Research / Advising
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Natural Sciences)

University of Groningen
The University of Groningen provides high quality research and education, is
internationally oriented, respects differences in ambition and talent, works
actively with business, the government and the public, and ranks among the
best universities in Europe.

The University of Groningen wishes to realise three goals in the 2003-2010
period. Investment in the highest quality, recognition of differences in
talent and ambition and the stimulation of cross-border research and

The RUG provides a career advisory service for partners of new staff who
move to Groningen.

The RUG is an equal opportunities employer. Because women are still
underrepresented in a number of fields, they are particularly encouraged to

The research group Microbial Ecology is part of the Centre for Ecological
and Evolutionary Studies (CEES) in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences of the University of Groningen. The group studies the adaptive
strategies of prokaryotic microorganisms that allow these to survive in
complex natural habitats. One of the topics revolves around how soil
habitats shape the compositions of the communities that are locally present.
The research is strongly multidisciplinary and includes microbiology,
ecology, molecular biology, and plant physiology and ecology. The group
provides a lively, internationally oriented, scientific environment with
excellent facilities.

Conditions of employment

Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: four years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
The University of Groningen and NIOO offers a salary of € 1956 gross (bruto)
per month in the first year up to a maximum of € 2502 gross per month in the
final year. Objective of the temporary four years position is a number of
research articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, which together will
be the basis of the thesis leading to the granting of the PhD degree (dr.).
After the first year, there will be an evaluation as to the feasibility of
successful completion of the PhD thesis within the next three years.

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Prof.Dr. J.D. van Elsas
E-mail address: J.D.van.Elsas@...
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following

- About the organization <> (
- About the
- The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO)<>(
- About the department of Plant Micro-organism

You can apply for this job before 11-04-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your
application to:

University of Groningen
Personnel Department

P.O. Box 72
The Netherlands

When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT207065.

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PhD positions in Public International Law - Universiteit van

4 PhD positions in the field of public international law The Universiteit
van Amsterdam
4 PhD positions in the field of public international law
Amsterdam, (The Netherlands), 38 hours per week
The Universiteit van Amsterdam

Job description
All four PhD projects will be carried out in the framework of a research
programme on the international constitutional order. The first three
positions are being funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research (NWO) and will be in the context of the NWO VICI project 'The
emerging international constitutional order: the implications of hierarchy
in international law for the coherence and legitimacy of international

Three of the PhD projects will focus on, respectively:

- The emerging international value system and the re-establishing of
legal control over the exercise of international public power (07-4004).
- The impact of the emerging international value system on private
international law (07-4005).
- The implications of the emergence of 'international partnerships'
consisting of international organizations and private entities within the
international constitutional order (07-4006).

The fourth PhD position is also being funded by NWO and will be carried out
in the framework of the research at the ACIL on the theme of 'Accountability
in the international constitutional order'. This project will focus on:

• The principle of complicity in the international law of state
responsibility (07-4007).

The appointees will engage in supervised scientific research that will
ultimately result in a doctoral thesis. They may also be asked to lecture on
subjects in the Faculty's curriculum.

Required education/skills:University Graduate

- Qualified jurist with excellent knowledge of public international
- For project 1: excellent knowledge of constitutional law.
- For project 2: excellent knowledge of private international law.
- For project 3: excellent knowledge of the law of international
- Excellent writing skills; fluency in English (good working knowledge
of German and/or French preferred).

Foreign candidates will be expected to acquire working knowledge of the
Dutch language within two years.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers(Scientific
discipline: Law)

The Universiteit van Amsterdam
The Faculty of Law is strongly engaged in society and has an international
orientation, as is reflected in its research and education activities. The
Faculty offers Bachelor's programmes in Law, Tax Law, and Notarial Law. The
Faculty offers a number of Master's programmes, two of which are taught
exclusively in English (i.e. International and European Law, and European
Private Law). With its 3,500 students and 375 staff members, it is one of
the largest law faculties in the Netherlands. The Faculty is located in the
centre of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Center for International Law

The Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) is the research institute
for international and European law. Its mission is to facilitate and support
legal research into the internationalization of the law and the development
of the rule of law in international society. The ACIL brings together over
60 researchers specialized in general international law and European Union
law, international criminal law, international economic law, international
tax law, and international aspects of constitutional and administrative law.
The research of the ACIL is organized on the basis of five 3-year research
programmes, one of which focuses on the international constitutional order.

Conditions of employment
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: four years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
The appointments will be full time (38 hours a week) – although part-time
appointments (32 hours per week) can be facilitated with the consent of the
employer – for a period of four years and should lead to a dissertation.
Projects 1-3 will commence on 1 February 2008; the appointment for project 4
will commence as soon as possible. The gross monthly salary will be in
accordance with University regulations for academic personnel, and will
range from € 1,956 in the first year up to a maximum of € 2,502 in the last

Additional Information
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following

- About the organization <> (
- About the


You can apply for this job before 25-03-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your
application to:


When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT

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PhD from Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und

1. Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) group of the Leibniz
Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW-Dresden) is seeking
applicants for a DFG-sponsored PhD position to study the High-Temperature
Superconductors by means of the high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy.
Minimum requirements for the program include a master’s degree in physics.
Advanced background in solid state physics and practical skills in working with
ultra-high vacuum are desirable. If you are interested, we invite you to submit
an application package no later than 15th of March 2007.
2. If selected for this program, you would be given a 3-year assignment to
IFW-Dresden where you would work full-time on doctoral studies. During the
accomplishment of the doctoral program, participation in experiments on the
leading Europe synchrotrons is contemplated. More specific guidance will be
provided to the selected candidate in an effort to balance his or her interests
and background with program needs. Since the position is in the framework of the
DFG Research Group which starts its activities immediately, you would have to
begin your studies no later than June 2007. We regret the short timeline.
3. Your application should consist of the following attachments: resume, letter
of recommendation, copies of transcripts from all institutions attended.
4. If you have any questions concerning the sponsorship program or the
application format, please contact Dr. Sergey Borisenko.

Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung an:

Kontakt Personalabteilung, Kennziffer D 11-1/07 Adresse IFW
Dresden Helmholtzstraße 20
Ort Dresden Postleitzahl 01069

Weitere Informationen:
Kontakt Dr. Sergey Borisenko Adresse Leibniz-Institut für
Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden Abteilung IFF 11,
Helmholtzstr. 20 Ort Dresden Postleitzahl 01069
Telefon +49-351-4659566 E-Mail s.borisenko@...

Ihre Stellenanzeige.
Der Rund-um-Service für Ihre Stellenanzeige - Print, Online und
im Newsletter schon ab 250 Euro (zzgl. MWST). Bitte beachten Sie unsere neuen
Preise ab 1.1.2007!

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DAAD-Fraunhofer Technopreneur Award

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) dan the Fraunhofer Society (FhG)
menawarkan DAAD-Fraunhofer Technopreneur Award. Beasiswa ini diberikan untuk
para peneliti Indonesia yang berminat melakukan penelitian di bidang Plant
Biotechnology dan Biorenewable Chemicals from Vegetable Oil.

Beasiswa yang diberikan mencakup biaya hidup per bulan senilai Euro 1.840,
serta tiket perjalanan. Peserta yang menjadi pemenang juga akan mendapat hadiah
uang senilai Euro 3000.

Informasi lebih lanjut bisa di- akses di http://jakarta. Batas waktu
pendaftaran dan penyerahan dokumen adalah tanggal 16 April 2007. Berkas
pendaftaran dibuat dua copy dan dikirimkan ke :

Mrs. Ilona Krueger-Rechmann M.A
DAAD Jakarta Branch Office
Summitmas Tower I, Lt.19
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.61-62
Jakarta 12190
Phone : ++62 21 520 0870, 525 2807
Fax: ++62 21 525 2822
E-mail: krueger-rechmann@

Dr. Ing. Ida-Bagus Kesawa Narayana
Fraunhofer Representative Indonesia
Menara Thamrin Suite 3A 07
Jl. M.H.Thamrin Kav.3
Jakarta 10250
Phone: ++ 62 21 315 4795
Fax: ++62 21 315 4195
E-mail: narayana@fraunhofer
www.fraunhofer. de

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PhD Position eingegangen

Firma/Institution: University of Basel - Institute of Physics
Position: PhD Position eingegangen

Exploring Single-Molecule Structures on Insulating Layers
A PhD position is opened in the group „UHV-AFM“ in the Institute of Physics of
the University of Basel ( This position is
available through a project which focuses on the study of local interactions by
Scanning Probe Methods financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF:

The successful candidate will explore single-molecules structures on insulating
films or substrates using non-contact or contact Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
in ultrahigh vacuum. The main focus will be the analysis of the interaction
forces between the cantilever and the underlaying surface or molecules while
manipulating them. For this purpose a homebuilt nc-AFM as well as an commercial
LT-Tuning Fork AFM are available. The results will be presented on national and
international conferences and workshops and should be seen as a part of the
development of next generation molecular electronics.
The candidate should have a diploma in Physics and a strong interest in
experimental work.

Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung an:

Kontakt Dr. Thilo Glatzel Adresse Klingelbergstr. 82
Ort Basel Postleitzahl 4056 Telefon +41(0)61 267-3730
E-Mail thilo.glatzel@...

Weitere Informationen:

Kontakt Dr. Thilo Glatzel Adresse Klingelbergstr. 82
Ort Basel Postleitzahl 4056 Telefon +41(0)61 267-3730
E-Mail thilo.glatzel@... URL

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Beasiswa KPT untuk Lulusan SMA / K, D3, S1, dsb.


Bagi masyarakat yang benar-benar ingin meningkatkan atau melanjutkan pendidikannya, namun memiliki kemampuan finansial (keuangan) nya sangat terbatas. Maka untuk lebih meringankan biaya pendidikannya, dapat mengajukan beasiswa ke KPT (Konsultan Pendidikan Tinggi).

1. Beasiswa ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat yang kemampuan finansialnya benar-benar terbatas dan tidak mencukupi untuk membayar/mengangsur biaya pendidikan, sedangkan yang bersangkutan sangat ingin (memiliki motivasi tinggi) untuk melanjutkan/meningkatkan pendidikannya.

2. Pemilihan PTS yang dituju, ditentukan oleh KPT dengan mempertimbangkan :

- Jurusan yang dipilih calon mahasiswa penerima beasiswa terkait
- Urutan prioritas PTS yang diinginkan/diminati calon terkait
- Lokasi tempat tinggal calon terkait.

Tata Cara Pengajuan Beasiswa

1. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran (Gratis)
2. Membuat (menulis) Form Data Tambahan Pengajuan/Permintaan Beasiswa dengan JUJUR (Form tersebut ada di bawah ini).
3. Menyerahkan :
- Foto copy KTP (atau kartu identitas lain)
- Foto copy Kartu Keluarga atau dokumen sejenis
- Untuk Lulusan SMU/SMK/sederajat : 1 lembar copy ijazah
- Untuk Lulusan D3, S1, dsb :1 lembar copy Transkrip Nilai dan 1 lembar copy Ijazah
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup (CV)

4. Menyerahkan berkas/dokumen 1, 2, 3 tersebut ke Sekretariat PKSM/P2K di salah satu PTS terkait, dengan salah satu cara berikut ini
- diserahkan langsung ke Sekretariat PKSM/P2K PTS tersebut, atau
- di Fax ke layanan info 17 Jam, atau
- dikirimkan via email ke, atau
- dikirimkan via POS, ditujukan kepada :

Kabag. Penertiban Pembayaran
(a.n. Panitia Perekomendasi Beasiswa)
Sekretariat Perkuliahan Karyawan/Program Kuliah Sabtu Minggu
................................... (Nama PTS-nya)

................................... (Alamat PTS-nya)

Form Data Tambahan Pengajuan/Permintaan Beasiswa

Buatlah/ceritakanlah/tulislah dengan JUJUR di satu atau beberapa lembar kertas (diketik atau ditulis tangan) mengenai (dengan urutan) :

1. Judul : Data Tambahan Pengajuan/Permintaan Beasiswa

2. Nama Lengkap

3. Nomor Telepon/HP untuk dihubungi panitia (wajib ditulis/dicantumkan agar memudahkan konfirmasi, bila tidak memiliki telp/HP, maka menggunakan telepon tetangga/famili/rekan/dll).

4. Minimal 3 nama PTS yang diminati/diinginkan (diurutkan dari yang paling diminati). Bila hanya menuliskan satu atau dua nama PTS saja, maka pengajuan beasiswa ini tidak dapat diproses.

5. Jurusan yang diminati/diinginkan (boleh lebih dari satu jurusan, diurutkan)

6. Siapa yang nantinya membiayai sebagian biaya kuliah/pendidikan tersebut (misalnya dibiayai sendiri atau orang tua/wali/famili).

7. Kondisi finansial (keuangan) yang membiayai (antara lain, berapa penghasilan setiap bulannya, jumlah tanggungan, memiliki rumah/menyewa, memiliki/tidak memiliki kendaraan, dsb-nya.

8. Ceritakanlah (tulislah) hal-hal lain yang memperjelas kondisi, keinginan/motivasi, dsb-nya, sedemikian rupa sehingga menunjukkan benar-benar sangat memerlukan beasiswa/keringanan tersebut.

Catatan Penting

Dikarenakan keterbatasan dana untuk beasiswa tersebut, maka bagi mereka (masyarakat) yang relatif mampu secara finansial (keuangan) dalam membayar biaya pendidikan, dimohon turut memiliki komitmen sosial dengan TIDAK MENGAJUKAN beasiswa. Agar tidak menutup peluang bagi yang benar-benar kurang mampu secara finansial.

Terima kasih.

Formulir Permohonan Beasiswa : Untuk Download

Formulir Permohonan Beasiswa dapat diperoleh dengan mudah, yaitu "klik download diatas". Selanjutnya isilah formulir tersebut dengan BENAR, kemudian kirimkan kembali ke Panitia Beasiswa melalui Email : , atau Fax ke : 021-87914990 ; 8762002.

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PhD position at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences

SCIENCE-JOBS- DE Stellenausschreibun g (vacancies)
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Ph. D. position at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences
(IFM-GEOMAR) in Kiel, Germany.

A three years Ph. D. position is available in the DFG-project
"Interactions of the tropical Indian Ocean and the tropical Atlantic
Ocean with ENSO" (keyword: TROIA)

The IFM-GEOMAR is one of the world wide leading institutes for marine
and climate science. The institute has one of its main research foci on
the role of the ocean in the climate system and on natural, past,
present and future climate change. The IFM-GEOMAR has an
interdisciplinary research environment with more then 200 researchers
from all over the world. The project is part of the research group of
Prof. Mojib Latif and Prof. Dietmar Dommenget, which has a lively,
active and international atmosphere.

We are looking for a person, which is highly motivated and has a very
good master, Diploma or equivalent degree in physics, mathematics,
oceanography, meteorology or equivalent. The projects focuses on the
interaction between the tropical Indian and Atlantic Ocean with the El
Niño / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) mode. The ENSO mode is the most
dominant mode of natural climate variability on interannual time
scales. The project shall make a contribution to a better understanding
and prediction of the ENSO mode. The study shall focus on model
simulations with complex atmosphere-ocean general circulation models
running on supercomputers, analysis of observed and simulated data and
the development of simple conceptual models.

Candidates should be interested in working with model simulations,
statistical analysis and should be interested in the development of
simple theoretical models. Requirements for the candidate are a very
good physical/mathematic al understanding, interest in programming and
a high motivation for an independent and creative study.

The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences is an equal opportunity
employer and encourages female scientists and scientists with
disabilities to apply.
Applications of handicapped persons will be favoured when all other
qualifications are equal.
Applications should be sent no later than 1. April 2007 under the
keyword "TROIA" to
Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschafte n
Wischhofstraß e 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
Email: bmoll@ifm-geomar. de or ddommenget@ifm-

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Dietmar Dommenget
(ddommenget@ifm- or look at the website index.php? id=ddommenget .

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


Dietmar Dommenget
Leibniz Institut für Meereswissenschafte n
Kiel, Germany

Ansprechpartner: Dietmar Dommenget, ddommenget@ifm-

Read More..

Scholarship (for masters or PhD studies)

- Educating International IT Policy Specialists
- Constructing an International Human Network based on industrial,
academic and governmental sectors of each country
- Standardization of leading legislative system through techno policy
- Promoting the policy environment as the Digital Bridge by globalization
- Establishing the basis of interchange among international IT enterprises

Deadline: 30 March 2007

Funded by: Korean government via each participating university.

Scholarship (for masters or PhD studies) includes the following :
One-way Airfare to Korea
Tuition Fee
Monthly living expenses
Resettlement funds
Tuition fee for language program courses

Eligibility (Indonesian): Government officials and state-owned company

Application form should have been distributed to each of the goverment
departments/companies. Ask your office/company for the application form.

Program Director / Associate Professor:
Junseok Hwang
Tel. +82-2-880-8679
E-mail: junhwang@...

Program Coordinator / Staff :
Hyun-Jin Bae
E-mail : hjbae@...
Tel. +82-2-880-9140

Read More..


The Institute of Materials Science, Darmstadt University of Technology, invites
applications for several PhD-positions within the Collaborative Research Center
(SFB 595)
“Electric Fatigue in Functional Materials”.
The research topics include aspects of synthesis, characterization, modelling
and functional properties of ferroelectrics, ionic conductors and organic
semiconductors. Detailed descriptions of the open positions are accessible
through “”
Candidates should have a strong background in materials science, solid state
physics or chemistry. We offer a stimulating working atmosphere in an expanding
research team. All positions are immediately available for a period of 3 years
and will be paid acccording to BAT. Highly motivated candidates who are
interested in both basic and applied research should send their complete CV and
a detailed description of their research interests to:
TU Darmstadt
SFB 595, Institut für Materialwissenschaft
z.H. G. Völzke
Petersenstr. 23
D-64287 Darmstadt

Read More..

Research Studentship in Women, Ageing and Media

Applications are invited for a 3-year full-time PhD Studentship in the
research area of Women Ageing and Media, to the value of £10,000 pa
plus tuition fees.

The studentship will be associated with the Faculty's Women, Ageing
and Media (WAM) Research Group. Proposals should focus on the study of
either film or television but can address any of WAM's key research

* Invisible/Visible - The visibility of sexuality, desire in
older women, visibility of older woman in public sphere, visibility of
aged woman's naked body.

* Emotion and Affect - caring and regret in older women's
relationship to child bearing/rearing and sexuality/desire.

* Monstrous/scary femininity - The issues here relate to older
woman as corporeally frightening.

* Public Sphere/Domestic sphere – This focuses upon the
commodification of ageing and the increasing visibility of the older
woman as a consumer with disposable income.

* Generational feminism - relationship between second and third
wave feminism.

It is expected that the successful applicant will already have a relevant MA.

Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Ros Jennings on 01242 715002,
email: rjennings@....

An application form may be downloaded from or obtained from the
Research Administration Office:

Research Administration Office
University of Gloucestershire
The Park
GL50 2RH

Tel: 01242 714179
Email: researchadmin@...

Closing date for applications: Friday 30 March 2007
Interviews are expected to take place during the week beginning 30 April 2007

The successful candidate will be expected to commence their studies as
soon as possible after 1 June 2007

Read More..

3 PhD Scholarships in Chemistry

3 PhD Scholarships in Chemistry
Faculty of Science

The University offers the following Scholarships to suitably qualified
applicants wishing to pursue research leading to PhD status under the
supervision of leading researchers in the fields indicated below. The
research programmes will be integrated with training in accordance
with Research Council specifications and accredited to the level of
additional qualifications (Postgraduate Masters, Certificate and
Diploma in Research Training).

• Using colloidal particles at interfaces to encapsulate fluids, to be
carried out within the Surfactant & Colloid Group
• Development of a micro fluidic device for the study of chaperone
drugs within a tissue environment as a route to personalised
pharmaceutical therapies
• Synthesis of highly light active self-assembling materials

Each full-time PhD Scholarship will include fees at the 'home/EU'
student rate and maintenance (£12,300 in 2006/07), for three years.
Overseas students will need to apply for additional funding to cover
the overseas fees, such as the Overseas Research Student Award Scheme.
Applicants must be able to register before 31st July 2007.

For further details and an application form, see or e-mail
l.thomas@..., supplying your name, postal address and the
department you are interested in. Please include 'PhD Scholarships' in
the subject box header.

The closing date for applications is 30th March 2007.

Read More..

PhD Studentships School of Health & Related Research (ScHARR) University of Sheffield

The School invites applications for full-time PhD studentships in the
areas of Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Services Research, Health
Economics, Medical Statistics, Social Sciences or Mental Health. The
new University Studentships scheme provides fees at the UK/EU rate, a
maintenance grant of between £6,300-12,300 per year and a Research
Training Support Grant for three years of study from October 2007.

To apply for a studentship, you need to download the application forms
from and submit
this before 30 March 2007. For further information about ScHARR,
please visit
Click here for Employer Profile

Read More..

2 PhD Scholarships in Engineering

The University offers the following Scholarships to suitably qualified
applicants wishing to pursue research leading to PhD status under the
supervision of leading researchers in the fields indicated below. The
research programmes will be integrated with training in accordance
with Research Council specifications and accredited to the level of
additional qualifications (Postgraduate Masters, Certificate and
Diploma in Research Training).

• Energy Harvesting for Sensor Networks
• Medical Engineering
o Bone Modelling
o Microbubble Ultrasound Imaging
o Thermofluid Simulation

Each full-time PhD Scholarship will include fees at the 'home/EU'
student rate and maintenance (£12,300 in 2006/07), for three years.
Overseas students will need to apply for additional funding to cover
the overseas fees, such as the Overseas Research Student Award Scheme.
Applicants must be able to register before 31st July 2007.

For further details and an application form, see or e-mail
l.thomas@..., supplying your name, postal address and the
department you are interested in. Please include 'PhD Scholarships' in
the subject box header.

The closing date for applications is 30th March 2007.

Read More..

100 Master Scholarships at Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Scholarships for Foreign Students Politecnico di Milano

Every year there is the opportunity to request consideration for specific
scholarships offered to international students. Students obtaining a scholarship
will have to pay only a nominal tuition fee of €144.
All international students who fill-in the on-line application form and deliver the required
documentation to the International Admission Office by March 30th 2007, will
automatically be considered for purely merit-based scholarship. On the on-line
application form, candidates may express their desire to be considered for the
financially-based merit scholarships they are eligible for. For Master of
Science scholarships, please see the following PDF, which will give you an idea
of the minimum academic performance, country by country, expected of candidates
wishing to be granted a scholarship:

Scholarship for Master of Science programmes available for the year

100 annual scholarships of € 8.000 gross a year for two years are available
for foreign students applying to Master of Science programmes held in Como and
Lecco campuses
Programmes held in Como and Lecco campuses, entirely taught in English:

Building Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Management Economics and Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

>> POLITECNICO di MILANO Scholarships

In 2006/2007 the Politecnico offered 86 scholarships for foreign students
applying to Master of Science programmes held on the Milano Campuses (Leonardo
or Bovisa). The scholarships covered accommodation costs with one of the Student
Residences with which the Politecnico di Milano has signed specific agreements.
The number of scholarships provided for 2007/2008 may change. Please check this
page later for further information.
Some of these scholarships are financially-based. If you are interested in
applying for these, simply fill out the auto-certification of family income
template here following and return it with your application. If you have already
sent in your application, you may email this certification to us at
If you are awarded the scholarship, you will need to furnish our
Internationalization Office with the official documentation related to your
family income situation (the list of necessary documents is detailed on the
online application receipt printout PDF) before receiving any benefits.

Read More..

PhD Grants international Graduate School

At the Universität Bremen in the International Graduate School for Dynamics in
Logistics, several
PhD grants
are offered, starting as soon as possible. Each grant amounts to up to1468
Euro/month for a maximum period of three years.
The International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics aims to identify,
describe, and model the intrinsic dynamics of present logistic processes and
networks. By exploiting new technologies, new dynamic planning and control
processes will be researched and developed. The Graduate School is part of an
extensive research and education concept on the subject of Dynamics in
Logistics, together with, among others, the Collaborative Research Centre
“Autonomous cooperating logistic processes – a paradigm shift and its
limitations“ SFB 637.
We are currently looking for young researchers and excellent students with a
master degree in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, electrical
engineering, computer science, mathematics, or physics to apply for PhD
admission and grants. As an exception, a particularly outstanding master in
economics may be considered, too.
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female
employees in science women are particularly encouraged to apply.
In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will be
given priority.
See for more detailed information on the
International Graduate School, its application process and selection criteria.
We will continue to accept applications as long as we have free grants to award.
Applications should be sent preferably by email to:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter
International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
Universität Bremen / BIBA
Dr.-Ing. Renate Klempien-Hinrichs
Hochschulring 20
D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 - (0) 421 / 218 - 5639 or - 5576
Fax: +49 - (0) 421 / 218 - 5640
E-Mail: logistics-gs@...

Read More..

Studentship of International Master Mechatronics and MBA Program in STUT

General Regulations and Application Form for Admitting International Students to
Southern Taiwan University of Technology For the Academic Year 2007
Qualifications for Application 1. Students of foreign nationality;
neither overseas Chinese nor R.O.C. nationals are eligible for application.
2. International students who had the R.O.C. nationality and have
relinquished their nationality of R.O.C., with a lapse of at least eight years
since the revoking of the R.O.C. nationality by Ministry of the Interior.
3. Students graduated from the senior high school in R.O.C. should not
apply the Bachelor’s Degree Program.

Departments and Degree Programs
1. English-Taught Programs
Mechatronics Program / Department of Mechanical Engineering
Master Degree
IMBA Program / Department of Business Administration
Master Degree

2. Chinese-Taught Programs
Departments / Program
College of Engineering: Institute of Mechatronic Science and Technology,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering –
Advanced Automobile Program, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of
Optoelectronics Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Department of
Chemical and Material Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, Department of
Communication Engineering, Graduate School of Nanotechnology
College of Commerce: Department of International Business, Department of
Finance, Department of Accounting Information, Institute of Financial & Economic
College of Management: Department of Management and Information Technology,
Department of Industrial Management, Department of Information Management,
Department of Business Administration,
Department of Marketing and Logistics Management, Department of Leisure,
Recreation, and Tourism Management, Executive MBA
College of Humanities and Social Science: Department of Applied English,
Department of Applied Japanese, Technological and Vocational Education & Human
Resources Development, Department of Child Care Education
College of Digital Design: Department of Information Communication, Department
of Visual Communication Design, Department of Multimedia and Entertainment
Science, Department of Digital Content and Animation Design

Number of International Students to be Admitted for the Academic Year 2007
(Ph.D.) Ph.D. Students: 2
(MA) Graduate Students: 67
(BA) Undergraduate Students: 240

Assistantships: Working Assistantship Type A: Two Years’ Program.
Type A Assistantship will be granted to students enrolling in the
English-taught Master programs. They will have to work part-time 16 hours a
week as an assistant among different departments on campus to enjoy the
1. Tuition fee is waived.
2. Dormitory fee is waived, living with 3 or 4 either local or
international students at school dormitory with Type A Assistantship.
3. NT $5,000 per month stipend is offered.

Type B: Assistantship for Two Years’ Program.
Type B Assistantship will be granted to students enrolling in the
English-taught Master programs.
1. Half tuition fee is waived.
2. Half dormitory fee is waived.

Type C: Assistantship for Four Years’ Program.
Type C Assistantship will be granted to students enrolling in the
undergraduate Chinese-taught Bachelor programs. Students will have to work
part-time 5 hours a week as an assistant among different departments on campus
to enjoy the following:
1. Tuition fee is waived.
2. Students pay their own accommodation and other personal living

Required Documents and Regulations for Application
1. Application Form (enclosed)
2. Declaration (enclosed)
3. Photocopied Graduation Diploma/Certificate
4. Academic Transcript
5. Health Certificate (must include HIV). If found HIV positive
after enrollment, then your acceptance will be revoked and face deportation.
6. Two Recommendation Letters
7. Financial Statement of personal savings (or affidavit of
financial support signed by parents)
8. Autobiography
9. SPM or STPM Transcript (Graduated from Malaysia Senior High
School Only)
10. TOEFL (500, CBT 173)/ TOEIC (650)/ IELTS (5.0) Score Report
11. Other Certificates or Documents
12. A photocopy of the original official diploma (its Chinese or
English version which has been certified with a seal-stamp by a Taiwan
representative office or Taiwan foreign embassy/consulate in the applicant’s
country must be attached) and an official transcript of academic records in
Chinese or English (which must be certified with a stamp or embossed seal by the
school attended). Students who have not yet graduated must submit their
diplomas when they report to STUT; otherwise, their admission will be cancelled.

Estimated Cost for the Academic Year 2007 1. Tuition Fee:
(1) US$1,640/Semester:College of Engineering and information related
(2) US$1,430/Semester:College of Management and College of Commerce,
excluding information related departments/programs
(3) US$1,400/Semester: College of Humanities & Social Sciences

2. Housing: four or five person’s dormitory, each student pays for his/her
share of US$380/semester; 2 persons’ room, each student pays US$580 (limited
number of rooms).

3. Living Expenses: NT$6,000 (around US$180) per month; other extra
personal expenses, please refer to Tuition and Fees under Admission at

4. For further information, log-on English website at: or contact Mr. Darby Liao at
Please send application forms to the following address by April 30, 2007.

% Southern Taiwan University of Technology
Office of Research and Development
No. 1, Nan-Tai Street, Yung-Kung City,
Tainan County, Taiwan 71005

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Kesempatan jalan2 ke Bangkok dan belajar tentang lingkungan... Gratis

Kesempatan jalan2 ke Bangkok dan belajar tentang lingkungan... Gratis
dibayarin ama BAYER.
Ayo para mahasiswa pada apply atau putra-putri dari para penghuni
milis beasiswa ini juga bisa diencourage utk apply.
Asal mahasiswa berusia 18 s.d. 24 thn.

Selamat belajar dan berkarya.

Read More..

Beasiswa dari Pemerintah Cina

Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi mengenai tawaran beasiswa dari Pemerintah
Cina untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang berminat untuk belajar ke Cina untuk tahun
akademik 2007/2008. Beasiswa ini ditujukan bagi para mahasiswa yang berminat
melanjutkan studi ke program sarjana, master, doktor dan bagi mahasiswa yang
berminat mengikuti program bahasa Cina.

Di luar program bahasa Cina, bidang studi yang ditawarkan adalah: sains,
teknologi, agronomi, teknik, ekonomi, hukum, manajemen, pendidikan, sejarah,
budaya dan filosofi
Beasiswa yang ditawarkan mencakup biaya pendaftaran, biaya kuliah, biaya
eksperimen, biaya hidup, asuransi dan tiket kereta dari pelabuhan. Tiket pesawat
ditanggung oleh masing-masing mahasiswa.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan formulir pendaftaran dapat dikirimkan ke :
Official Address of China Scholarship Council
A3 Building 2, No.9 Chegongzhuang Street , Beijing 100044, P.R. China
Tel : 0086-10-88393619
Fax : 0086-10-88393620
E-mail : laihua@...

Read More..

Postdoctoral Fellow - GIS

Institution: Desert Research Institute
Location: Reno, NV

* Faculty - Science - Geography
* Faculty - Science - Computer Science

Posted: 12/29/2006
Application Due: Open Until Filled
Type: Full Time
The Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences of the Desert Research Institute (DRI) is seeking applicants for a post-doctoral research fellow in geographic information systems with an emphasis in programming for environmental applications. The position will support large research efforts that are integrating geographic information science with knowledge of desert processes and environmental planning. The appointment is in Reno, Nevada and will start around May or June of 2007.

Responsibilities include acquiring GIS datasets from a variety of data warehouses and generating GIS layers for use in categorizing/classifying environmental features. The successful candidate will work closely with faculty having expertise in the fields of geomorphology, hydrology, soil science, urban planning and ecology. The successful candidate will be expected to perform responsibilities associated with existing research efforts and document the subsequent effort. The candidate will be given the opportunity and encouraged to pursue his/her own research interests and funding.

-- PhD in geography or closely related discipline with a strong emphasis in GIS
-- Work experience involving GIS in environmental science or related research environments
-- Proficiency in the utilization of the GIS software packages ArcGIS and Arc Workstation
-- Knowledge in the use of scripting or other programming (e.g., Visual C++ or Visual Basic) to solve spatial analysis problems
-- Strong oral and written communication and interpersonal skills
-- Demonstrated interest in collaborative research, with diverse research interests
-- Ability and willingness to work in harsh field conditions (i.e., desert terrain) for extended periods of time

-- Working knowledge of image-processing techniques
-- General knowledge of GIS software packages beyond ArcGIS and Arc Workstation
-- Working experience with assessment of landscape characteristics such as soils, hydrology, geomorphology and vegetation especially in arid and semiarid environments
-- Working knowledge of the integration of a diverse array of spatial and aspatial data into a GIS framework for the purpose of modeling biophysical and socioeconomic processes
-- Familiarity with spatial modeling principles and applications in earth science
-- Field experience
-- Knowledge of the proposal process and willingness to pursue external funding opportunities

Starting salary is commensurate with experience and education. DRI provides an exceptional benefits package (See summary at

Review of applications will start immediately and continue until a successful candidate has been selected. To ensure consideration, you must submit:
1) a cover letter describing your experience, goals and project interests
2) a current resume and
3) contact information for three professional references
Submittals not meeting these requirements will not be considered.

Refer to position #30-049. Send materials to: Human Resources, DRI, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512; e-mail MS Word compatible attachments to; or fax application materials to 775-673-7339. To learn more about DRI, visit our website at or call 775-673-7332.

Application Information
Postal Address: Human Resources
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
Phone: (775) 673-7332
Fax: (775) 673-7339
Email Address:

Apply for this Position through My HigherEdJobs

Read More..

Marie Curie Summer School 2007- Partial Melts and

The deadline for applications for funding for this
year's Summer School is April 3Oth.

Apologies for cross postings, but could you please
forward this message to eligible people in your
organisation, especially PhDs and Postdocs working on
natural or engineering materials related projects
of scale, approach or material), who could benefit
from EU or self-funded attendance at next year's Marie
Curie Summer School on Interdisciplinary Materials

Following on from the successful 2005 Marie Curie
Summer School on Single-Phase Materials, held in
Hürtgenwald, Germany, and the 2006 school on Polyphase
and Composite Materials in Älvdalen, Sweden are
pleased to announce this year's Summer School, which
focuses on Partial Melts and Amorphous Materials. This
year's event will be hosted by Dr Mark Jessell from
the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, and
will run from the 20th to the 30th of August, 2007.

The full presentations of the 2005 & 2006 summer
schools, together with information on the 2007 event,
including a list of speakers and the online
application form may be found at:

Details of the eligibility requirements to receive one
of the 30 EU fully funded places, and fees for
non-eligible participants can be found at the above
address. Research scientists not eligible for EU
funding are also most welcome to apply on a fee-paying
basis and should use the same application form.

best wishes


Mark Jessell
14 avenue Edouard Belin
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 33 26 47 (home) (IUGS Tectask) (Marie Curie Summer Schools)

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Ghent University (Belgium) - Master

Further information at:

Questions can be delivered to:
Anneleen Van Laere (e-mail: anneleen.vanlaere@...)

Good luck,
Magdalena Lenny Situmorang


This invitation relates to:

The master grants refer to:
- Master's Programmes (master after bachelor)
- Subsequent Master's Programmes (master after master)
- Complementary Studies (GAS)
- Advanced Studies (GGS)

beginning 25 September 2007
2 May 2007 at 5 p.m.

Master grants for candidates from developing countries
Definition of terms

During its meeting of 23 May 2001, the Board of Directors decided that
special measures would be taken to provide postgraduate scholarships
to candidates from developing countries who wish to obtain a master's
degree at Ghent University.

In view of the changes in the Flemish Higher Education System the
information in the call for applications has been adjusted at the
Executive Committee meeting of 9 November 2006. This means the grants
are available for all master's programmes, offered at Ghent University.

The master scholarships are awarded for the duration of the studies,
aiming at the delivery of a Ghent University diploma after max. 2
years of study. With the scholarship application the candidate must
also submit a letter of admission to the study programme. In case of a
two-year study programme, the scholarship will only be paid for the
full term if the student successfully completes the first year (min.
60 credits) of the study programme. If the student wishes to stop his
/ her study programme, the scholarship will be terminated.

The scholarship consists of an allowance of � 850 per month and the
yearly tuition fee. In case of increased tuition fee for the master's
programme, Ghent University will only reimburse the refundable part.

The applications for master grants for candidates from developing
countries are to be submitted in English.

Evaluation of applications and granting of the grants
The Council for Development Cooperation (COS or Commissie
Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) makes a selection of the applications based
in part on the recommendations obtained from a working group of this
Council and proceeds to formulate well-founded recommendations to the
Executive Committee of Ghent University. The recommendations are based on:
- The qualifications of the applicant for the master grant (this also
implies that the chances of overly qualified candidates might decrease);
o Successful completion of the first study year of the master's
programme at Ghent University
o Age of the applicant
- The significance of the master's programme for the student's country;
- Validation of the knowledge in the student's country;
- The student's nationality. In the event of equal rankings on the
basis of the quality of the file, priority will be given to the
categories on the DAC List of Aid Recipients with the lowest level of
development and income;
- The motivation of the applicant.

The master grants for candidates from developing countries will be
awarded by the University's Executive Committee on the basis of the
recommendations made by the Council for Development Cooperation.
Within 20 days following the official proclamation a copy of the
transcript of records or diploma must be submitted.

The applications for master grants for candidates from developing
countries must be submitted typewritten on the forms required for this

The DEADLINE for submitting the proposal is
2 May 2007 at 5 p.m.

The application, drawn up on the required forms, should be delivered
to the address below in 10 copies. The submission deadline will be
strictly observed. Late, incomplete or incorrectly drawn-up
applications will not be taken into consideration.
The proposals must be drawn up in English. If possible, please make
recto-verso copies of the proposals (i.e. copy/print on both sides of
the paper).
Candidates who simultaneously apply for funding elsewhere, must
include one copy of this parallel application.

For further information, please contact the Research Co-ordination
Anneleen Van Laere (e-mail: anneleen.vanlaere@...).

Is to be delivered to the
Chairperson of the Council for Development Cooperation
c/o Research Co-ordination Office
New Rectorate Building, 5th floor,
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Gent, Belgium



1.1 The candidate

1.2 Contact person
Name and co-ordinates of the contact person at Ghent University of the
study programme. This can be the professor-promotor of the study
programme, whether the spokesperson-academic staff attached to the
study programme.

1.3 Parallel applications
Candidates must indicate whether their application has also been
submitted elsewhere. If that is the case, then fill in the requested
information and enclose a single copy of this parallel application.
The Ghent University scholarships cannot be held in combination with
other scholarships.


2.1 Studies (provide a complete overview and add copies of obtained
Do not submit any originals nor certified copies, since no document
will be returned.

2.2 If you have already held a grant or position since the completion
of your studies, you need to mention them here, (including any current
position, stating whether this position is renewable and whether you
have already applied to have it renewed).

2.3 Master's dissertation of previous degree (if relevant)
Give the title of the master's dissertation, the requested information
and a brief description.

2.4 Scientific/scholarly studies and/or experience abroad (other than
mentioned in the diplomas)
If you have pursued scientific/scholarly studies/training abroad, you
should note it here.

2.5 Scholarly/scientific publications by the candidate
If you have already published scholarly/scientific articles, please
list them with complete bibliographical information in accordance with
the following categories.

a1 articles published in journals listed in the Science Citation
Index, the Social Sciences Citation Index or the Arts and Humanities
Citation Index. Contributions listed as: "article, review, letter,
note". If possible, also give the journal's impact factor.
a2 articles published in widely circulated scholarly or scientific
journals not included under (a1), with international peer review
a3 articles published in national journals not included in (a1) or
(a2) with peer review
a4 articles published in journals not included in (a1), (a2) or (a3)
b1 author or co-author of books. (Only books published by
academic/scholarly publishers should be mentioned here; no syllabi, no
b2 author or co-author of chapters in books (no conferences proceedings)
b3 editorships (including the edition of proceedings)
Other publications
c1 articles published in the proceedings of scholarly or scientific
conferences but not included in the above categories (only full
articles, no abstracts)
c2 patents

2.6 Participation in conferences, symposia, �
If you have attended scientific conferences, symposia, or other, you
should note it here.

2.7 Motivation of the candidate
The motivation has to be written using Arial font size 10pt. and
should not exceed 1 page.

The motivation answers preferably to the following subjects:

- Qualifications of the student for the master's programme (former
studies, work experience, �)

- Significance of the master's programme for the student's country
- Significance of the master's programme for the student's current
position in the home country
- Significance of the master's programme for the student's future career

- Specific subjects of interest which will be tackled during the study

Read More..

10 Early Stage Researcher and 7-9 Experienced Researcher positions

Firma/Institution: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Land:
Position: University eingegangen

Spin Current Induced Ultrafast Switching
Research Training Network (MRTN-CT-2006-035327)

The MRTN SPINSWITCH “Spin current induced ultrafast switching” is funded by the
European Commission under the FP6 Programme for four years from 1st October

Spin transport phenomena are an exciting and rapidly growing area of physics
that will have significant impact on the development of the next genrations of
devices such as MRAMs, magnetic sensors, magnetic logic and high frequency
components. The scientific objective of SPINWITCH MRTN is to investigate and use
spin transfer torque (STT) effects to extend and enhance the fundamental
understanding of this new scientific domain by combining the expertise of 15
leading European laboratories in the field with emphasis on high frequency and
ultrafast switching aspects.

To carry out this mission SPINSWITCH will recruit:
10 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions (PhD), 36 months;
Hiring deadline 01/10/2007
and 7-9 Experienced Researcher (ER) positions (Post Doc) on 12/18 months
Contracts from 01/10/2007 onwards

Details of the consortium and programme can be found on the SPINSWITCH website:
The conditions of appointment will be governed by the rules of the Human
Capital and Mobility programme ( and
all hired researchers will be paid salaries, cost of living and other
allowances. Applicants should check the eligibility criteria given in the EC

Researchers hired by the network will be expected to follow the full range of
training offered including secondments to other network laboratories to acquire
new skills, training in complementary skills and career development.

The network will strive to ensure that > 40% of the Researchers are women
scientists and >30% of the Researchers will be from the New Member States.
Application Contact is the coordinator of the SPINSWITCH MRTN.

Applications consisting of an application form (see website), 2 pages CV and
names of two references should sent by electronic mail to the Coordinator:
Prof. Burkard Hillebrands, Fachbereich Physik, Technische Universität
Erwin-Schrödinger-Str. 56, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)631 205 4228, FAX: +49 (0)631 205 4095,

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Master/PhD Signal Processing for Chemical Analysis, Spain

Master/ PhD. Scholarships - 4 Becas para Master/doctorado
Signal Processing for Chemical/Biochemical Analysis
Department of Electronic Engineering - Departament d'Enginyeria
Electrònica, Eléctrica i Automática

Scholarship goal: To obtain a European-compliant PhD. Degree (and
eventually a Master in Electronic Engineering)

Duration: 4 years (2 year grant + two year job contract)

Funding organization: Rovira i Virgili University, Electronics

Location: Tarragona (located by the sea at the NE of Spain, 100 km
SW of Barcelona)

907 € per month the first 2 years (grant)
1100 € per month the last 2 years (contract)

General description of the Master/PhD. programme: The candidate is
expected to work full time (8h a day) during the four years to
obtain his/her PhD. Depending on the diplomas owned by the
candidate, he/she will have to follow a few courses equivalent to 60
ECTS from a Research Master in Electronic Engineering (in this case
the students will obtain the title of Master in Electronics
Engineering) before starting his/her research activities, which
should lead to his/her thesis dissertation at the end of the fourth
year. During the last two years, the candidate will be additionally
funded to develop part of his research work at another European
research institution for a duration of at least three months, so
he/she can obtain a European PhD. certificate.

Profile of the candidate: The optimal profile for the position would
be a recent graduate on electronic engineering or chemistry or
physics (chemistry, chemical engineering, analytical chemistry,
biochemical engineering, electronic engineering, physics, etc.)
willing to obtain his/her European Ph.D. degree in four years. The
candidate should be able to economically sustain him/herself with
the grant with no additional funding (something easy to do in Spain
with such a grant). Applicants are expected to work in the following
areas: Signal Processing for Chemical/Biochemical analysis
(metabolomics, metabonomics). Good level of English is required and
good Spanish level would be appreciated too

Information required: Applicants are required to send to the address
specified below a full Curriculum Vitae (as complete as possible),
Copy of their diploma (with the The Hague apostille), copy of their
passport, Academic certificate including their marks (it is
important that the number of hours of each subject or the ECTS of
each subject appears clearly in this document). It is also very
important that the document specifies what is the minimum mark for
passing a given subject and what is the maximum mark that can be

Margarita Rebenaque
Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Eléctrica i Automática
Avda. Paissos Catalans 26,
43007 Tarragona


Deadline: April 30th 2007

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