The project offers international students the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino attending the Master of Science program in Petroleum Engineering.
The initiative is promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and financed by Eni Exploration & Production and Eni Corporate University.
The length of the program is 2 years full time and corresponds to 120 ECTS credits.
Call for applications for the 2010/2011 academic year
MSc Scholarships in Petroleum Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy 2010 2011 Eni Project – Petroleum Engineering
M.Sc. Scholarships in Renewable Energy Science in Iceland 2010 2011
RES | the School for Renewable Energy Science in Iceland is now accepting applications for its one year (90 ECTS credits) international M.Sc. Degree Program in Renewable Energy Science, for the academic year 2011-2012.
The RES Program will in February 2011 complete its third year of operation when 49 masters degree students from twelve different countries will graduate. The students this year are specializing in four different fields, namely Geothermal Energy, Hydropower, Fuel Cell Systems & Hydrogen, and Energy Systems & Policies. RES also offers a specialization in Biofuels & Bioenergy. In the near future the school will as well offer specializations in Wind & Wave Power and in Solar Energy in cooperation with foreign partner universities.
RES is a private institution of higher learning, a graduate school, affiliated with the University of Iceland in Reykjavik and the University of Akureyri in North-Iceland.
RES is seeking limited number of highly qualified students to enroll in the M.Sc. Degree Program. A number of Scholarship Awards are also available for outstanding students, including e8 Scholarships and RES tuition fee waiver.
We would appreciate if you could kindly discuss our M.Sc. Degree Program details and scholarship opportunities with some of your top students interested in pursuing a degree in renewable energy in Iceland. Currently 81% of primary energy in Iceland comes from renewable energy sources, highest of any nation. Essentially 100% of electricity generation in Iceland is already from renewable energy sources and over 99% of space heating. Therefore Iceland is a good example for other nations to follow on their route to a more sustainable energy future.
RES is also looking to further expand co-operation with leading international universities, as academic and research partners for the M.Sc. Degree Program, but equally so for the RES Summer School, RES Executive School, and as new partners for our RESnet Network (for more information visit: ). If your university is interested in establishing such a partnership with us (e.g., initially with a MOU) we would like to hear from you.
For more details about RES and the M.Sc. Degree Program please see my attached letter with this email.
Please feel free to contact the Rectors Office at for further information, or visit our RES homepage at
Best regards,
Dr. Bjorn Gunnarsson
Italy Scholarships for Master of Science program in Petroleum Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
The Eni Project offers international students the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino attending a Master of Science program in Petroleum Engineering.
The project, promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and financed by Eni – Exploration & Production Division and Eni Corporate University, will offer for the 2010/2011 academic year scholarships to international students, mainly from Angola, Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan.
The length of the course is 2 years full time and corresponds to 120 ECTS credits. All the courses are entirely held in English.
The activities will begin in September 2010.
Academic requirements
In order to be admitted into the Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering program, applicants must possess a university degree equivalent to a Bachelor of Science degree, which is approximately equivalent to three or four years after secondary school, depending on the number of secondary school years.
Application is open to students who:
• are not Italian citizens
• are not older than 32 years (by 31/12/2010)
• have an adequate knowledge of the English language, preferably demonstrated by an international certification
• are not already enrolled at the Politecnico di Torino before the 2010/2011 academic year
• are not recipients of other scholarships, Italian or foreign
Selection criteria
Applicants will be selected based on their previous academic career and on their Curriculum Vitae.
Amount of the scholarship
• The gross amount of the Eni Project scholarship is 10.000 Euro per year (20.000 Euro for the complete period). The exact net sum is dependent upon the individual tax conditions of each student, which can be verified only upon the arrival of the student.
• The amount of the scholarship will not be increased in case the student will need more time to graduate than indicated.
• The allocation of the scholarship is dependent upon the submission, within 10 days from the arrival in Italy of the student, of the original documentation, which must correspond with the documentation attached to the online form (see the “Selection outcomes” section below).
• Payment of the scholarship occurs periodically. The first instalment is dependent upon the possession of the relevant documentation (residence permit, Italian fiscal code, and bank account in the name of the scholarship recipient), all obtainable upon arrival in Italy; for this reason, the first instalment is not paid at the moment of arrival at the Politecnico di Torino, but in the course of the following month.
How to apply
To apply, students must, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process:
Deadline:9 p.m. (Italian time) on April 30th, 2010.
Method: fill in the online application form by first registering and providing your biographical information, logging in and choosing your level and degree course, and subsequently submitting the application. Students must also provide information on their previous educational career, language abilities and work experience, and they must attach the necessary documentation in pdf format. After having completed these steps, the application for a scholarship will be considered complete.
N.B. The scholarship or project for which the applicant is eligible is not specified in the application form, since the Politecnico will automatically assess your eligibility for the Eni Project scholarship based on the information you provide. At the end of the selection process, the Politecnico di Torino will inform you if you have been selected for a Eni Project scholarship (see the “Selection outcomes” section below).
The following documentation must be attached in pdf format to the online application form:
• an official transcript (original or authenticated copy) issued by the registrar of your university of origin containing ALL of the following information:
o Planned duration of the program of study (no. of semesters)
o Total number of exams sustained in the program of study
o Total number of credits obtained in the program of study (if available)
o Year of enrolment
o A list of the exams already taken with the score of each exam and, where applicable, the number of credits earned with each exam.
o The overall average score of the exams taken (at the moment of application)
o A list of the exams still to be passed to complete the degree course
o The grading system used with explanations (e.g. quantitative system from 0 to 10, with 5 corresponding to satisfactory; or qualitative system ABCD, with A as top grade and C corresponding to passing)
o The semester of enrolment at the moment of the presentation of the application (e.g. “on xxx [day] the student is enrolled in the second semester of the fourth year of the degree course in xxx”)
If the transcript provided by the students’ registrar does not contain ALL of the above information, an additional document will have to be sent that provides it. This additional document must be signed by an authority of the university of origin (Tutor of the degree course, Dean, etc).
• Curriculum Vitae, dated and signed (in English if possible) – maximum 3 pages
• Letters of reference (2 maximum)
• A personal introduction letter (written by the applicant)
• Optional English language certificate
• The above documents must be rendered in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian.
We emphasise that the data shown in the documents must coincide with those inserted in the online application form. Moreover, failure to attach even one of the above documents will result in exclusion from the selection process.
Specific contacts for Master of Science
For Scholarship International Relations Office
For Admission Incoming Students Office
The Department of Economics of the University of Otago in New Zealand
The Department of Economics of the University of Otago in New Zealand is expanding its PhD programme and invites applications for Ph.D. Studentships (Scholarships) . Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit. The University of Otago is New Zealand’s leading research university. In the most recent national research evaluation exercise (PBRF) – equivalent to the British RAE and the Australian ERA – Otago was ranked first in Economics and first overall. For more information on the PhD programme, please consult the Department’s website at nz/econ/
Applications are considered throughout the year.
Each Scholarship will pay university tuition fees and in addition a living allowance of NZ $20,000 per annum for up to three years, for a total of NZ $60.000. Additional income from research assistance and/or tutoring may be available.
Information on the relative cost of living in New Zealand is available at http://www.immigrat ion.govt. nz/nzopportuniti es/lifestyle/ costofliving/ default.htm
The normal period of study is three years. Applicants should have completed at least four years of university study in Economics, and hold an Honours or Masters degree, with excellent grades, which includes a research component. The PhD programme at Otago is by research only, that is, it does not include any course work. We expect that you will have taken courses equivalent to our own honours programme, which includes advanced courses in micro- and macroeconomic theory and in econometrics. The fact that the Otago PhD does not include course work means that you need to have obtained the skills (either theoretical, empirical or both) required for your proposed research before coming to Otago. In addition, it is assumed that you have good written English skills.
If you would like feedback on whether you may qualify for a scholarship, please email a CV, copies of your academic transcripts, showing the courses you have taken and the grades you obtained, plus a 2 to 3 page research proposal, that clearly sets out the hypothesis you wish to test, the methodology you will use to test the hypothesis, and how your research will extend the existing literature to:
Professor Alfred A. Haug
Director of Postgraduate Studies
Department of Economics
University of Otago
E-mail: Alfred.Haug@ nz
The Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
The Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) was established by Ministers of Education of South Asia (SEAMEO) in 1966, the first place “to meet the participating countries a high quality study in the cycle of agriculture, promote, conduct and coordinate research programs related to needs and problems of the South-East Asia, and disseminate the results of agricultural research and the experimentation. “The Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) invites applications for Postgraduate Scholarship (Master’s and PhD) in agriculture and related fields (including biological, social, economic and statistics, forestry and fisheries, environmental science, agro-industrial technology and engineering, biochemistry and management development).
PhD Research Scholarship
Launched in November 2005, the SEARCA PhD Research Scholarship provides financial support to a limited number of qualified PhD students whose researches are relevant to the priority thrusts of SEARCA.
This scholarship program aims to:
1. Provide PhD students the opportunity to use the resources and facilities available at SEARCA and its network of universities for their research;
2. Produce quality research papers for publication; and
3. Enable them to work with SEARCA’s R&D personnel on mutually identified areas of concerns/interests in agriculture and rural development.
Eligibility for the Grant
Any graduate student who is a citizen of any SEAMEO member country and pursuing a PhD in agriculture or related sciences from any university in the world is eligible to apply for the scholarship.
The applicant must have already completed his/her course work with an approved dissertation proposal and is ready to conduct the dissertation research.The applicant’s research must focus on any of SEARCA’s priority thrusts under the broad themes of natural resource management and promotion of agricultural competitiveness.
Application Requirements
• Filled out Application Form (see below);
• Letter of application for the research scholarship;
• Recommendation letter from the Dean of Graduate School of the university where the student is pursuing his/her degree program;
• Dissertation research outline/proposal approved by the Advisory Committee and Dean of Graduate School;
• Budgetary requirement for the entire research duly attested and recommended by the major adviser and Dean of Graduate School;
• Certified transcript of academic records for all courses taken at the PhD level;
• Curriculum vitae;
• Letter from the student certifying that he/she is not receiving any other research grant from any other institution. If partial funding has been obtained from other sources, a certification from the funding agency indicating the amount of grant and the items in the research that are covered by the grant; and
• Research timetable indicating the activities involved in the research, the expected date of defense and expected date of seminar paper presentation.
Application deadlines are 1 April and 1 September.
Applications should be addressed to:
Dr. Editha C. Cedicol, Manager of Graduate Scholarship Department, SEARCA, Los Baños 4031 Laguna, Philippines
PhD Research Scholarship
• SEARCA PhD Research Scholarship application form
• PhD Research Scholarship Invitation for Applications
MS/PhD Scholarships
Its people are Southeast Asia’s most potent force for progress. Hence, agricultural human resource development has been SEARCA’s primary goal since its establishment. SEARCA is one of the “centers of excellence” established by SEAMEO. As such, SEARCA assists SEAMEO member countries in producing highly trained human resources in agriculture and related sciences to accelerate agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia.
Two of SEARCA’s activities that carry out this mandate are the Graduate Study Program and the University Consortium. Both activities are handled by the Graduate Scholarship Department (GSD).
This degree scholarship was initiated in academic year 1968-69 and aims to ensure the relevance and responsiveness of Southeast Asia’s agricultural scientists and professionals to global sustainable development issues.
The program provides support for advanced studies leading to the MS and PhD degrees in agriculture, forestry, and related fields. Thus, SEARCA aims to prepare grantees for positions of leadership in developing economies of SEAMEO member countries.
Applicants may also view information on benefits and privileges of scholars, places of study, application procedures, where to apply, recruitment procedures, and conditions of the grant.
Benefits and Privileges
The SEARCA scholarship offers the following benefits and privileges:
Financial Support covers stipend, tuition, international and domestic travel allowances, thesis/dissertation support, book allowance, and health insurance. The domestic travel allowance is sometimes allowed to support registration fees in training courses/seminars/ workshops.
Discounted Accommodation. Scholars are encouraged to stay at the SEARCA Residence Hotel (SRH) to meet other graduate students of different nationalities. Scholars who bring their families with them can stay in SEARCA apartments, also at subsidized rental fee.
Assistance with Student Visa Processing. The Center takes care of processing the extension of its scholars’ student visas for the duration of their scholarship.
Computer Purchase Loan. This is given to scholars without interest and payable to the Center in a specified number of months through automatic stipend deduction.
In-house and Other Training Courses or Seminars. Scholars may avail of these training courses upon request, especially in fields related to their studies. Official functions like the weekly SEARCA Agriculture and Development Seminar Series are also open to them. They are, therefore, exposed to exchange of ideas outside their classrooms.
Use of SEARCA Facilities. Facilities open to SEARCA scholars are the Center’s Library and Email Room. Scholars studying at UPLB are given free SEARCA e-mail accounts and e-mail access.
Participation in Sociocultural Activities. SEARCA scholars are introduced to the SEARCA family through orientation/ welcome party. Being part of the SEARCA family, they are invited to the Center’s summer outing, sportsfest, anniversary celebration, and Christmas parties.
Counseling. Scholars who are experiencing academic difficulties and those with personal problems may seek guidance from the Graduate Scholarship Department.
Places of Study
Any of the following universities, as well as those that have institutional arrangements with SEARCA, may serve as study posts of SEARCA MS and PhD scholars:
• University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
• Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
• Kasetsart University (KU)Bangkok, Thailand
• Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)Bogor, Indonesia
• University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD)Quezon City, Philippines
• University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV)Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines
• Thammasat UniversityThailand
• National University of SingaporeSingapore
• University of IndonesiaJakarta, Indonesia
• Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Five of these universities are members of the Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources. SEARCA serves as the Secretariat of the University Consortium.
SEARCA reserves the right to make the final decision on the choice of ten scholars’ study post. Therefore, applicants are required to submit to SEARCA applications for admission to the Graduate Schools of three universities in the list.
Where to Apply
THE HEADBureau for International CooperationMinistry of Education and CultureGedung C. Lantai 7Jln Jenderal SudirmanSenayan, Jakarta 10270 IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 581 665, 582 954, 584 477Fax: (62-21) 573 6870
THE MINISTERMinistry of AgricultureRoom No. 3, 5th Floor, Building C, Jl. HarsonoRagunan, Pasar MingguJakarta, IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 581 665, 582 954, 584 477Fax (62-21) 573 8181, 572 0162
THE MINISTERMinistry of Forestry and Estate CropsManggala WanabhaktiJl. Jen Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270 IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 573 0213, 573 0475Fax: (62-21) 573 8732
Any interested national of a SEAMEO member country may apply for scholarship. Applications may be submitted to any one of the following Ministries of his/her own country:
• Ministy of Education
• Ministry of Agriculture
• Ministry of Forestry
• Ministry of Fisheries
• Ministry of Rural Development
Application forms and information brochures on the universities that may serve as study posts of SEARCA scholars are available at these Ministries.
Each applicant is required to submit the following documents:
• SEARCA Scholarship Application Form (2 copies);
• Application forms for admission to the Graduate School of the universities where the applicant may pursue graduate studies under SEARCA scholarship;
• Official transcript of academic records of each degree completed (BS transcript for MS applicants and BS and MS transcripts for PhD applicants);
• Certification of employment;
• A two-page write-up on agricultural competitiveness or natural resource management;
• A brief description of the research that the applicant plans to conduct for thesis/dissertation . The research topic must be in line with the priority thrusts of SEARCA. (SEARCA Five-Year Plan may be viewed athttp://www.searca. org/web/e_ library/reports/ SEARCA%208th% 20Five-Year% 20Plan.pdf);
• Two copies of passport-size pictures of the applicant;
• Certification from a medical doctor that the applicant is in good physical and mental health condition and is fit to undertake graduate studies;
• Official endorsement from the employer;
• Results of Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): score of 550 for paper-based and 213 for computer-based) or IELTS results (6.0). The TOEFL results must be issued by Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Check the schedule and venue of TOEFL tests in your country athttp://www.ets. org/Media/ Tests/TOEFL/ tclists/BOTH_ a.htmlor download copy of the schedule here .
Application Forms
• UP Los Baños Graduate School (UPLB GS)
• UPLB GS Form No. 1 (Application) download
• UPLB GS Form No. 2 (Recommendation) download
• UPLB GS Form No. 3 (English Proficiency) download
• UP Diliman (UPD)
• College of Science download
• School of Economics download
• UP Visayas (UPV)
• Graduate Program in Fisheries download
• Graduate Program in Marine Affairs download
• Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) – Graduate Program
• Kasetsart University (KU) – Graduate Program
• Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) – Graduate Program
• Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) – Graduate Program
Contact detail: gsd@agri.searca. org or ecc@agri.searca. org
More info:http://www.searca. org/web/scholars hip/regular_ scholarships/ degree/index. html
The Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)
The Graduate School of Excellence `JSMC` invites applications for a
PhD Student Fellowship (Ref.No. JSMC-38/2010) on the topic `Integrated model of water and nutrient uptake by roots in the rhizosphere`
Soil-plant-microorganisms interactions have profound impacts on rhizosphere processes such as microbial activities, water distribution, and nutrient and water uptake by plant roots. Common models of water and nutrient uptake by roots are based on brute-force averaging approaches, assuming that the rhizosphere has the same properties as the bulk soil. The project will provide a holistic approach to describe interactions between rhizosphere transport properties and plant and microbial communities at the pore scale.
We expect:
• a Master`s degree (or equivalent) in Natural Sciences (e.g., Earth Sciences, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, etc.). Candidates about to earn their degree are welcome to apply.
• high motivation and interest to join one of the interdisciplinary research areas of JSMC
• creativity and interest to shape your own thesis project
• an integrative and cooperative personality
• very good communication skills in English (instruction language at JSMC)
We offer:
• a highly communicative atmosphere within a scientific network providing top-level research conditions
• a PhD stipend paid for 3 years according to the rules of the DFG (German Research Foundation) as well as generous research funding
• a comprehensive mentoring program with efficient supervision by a team of supervisors
• courses in novel technologies and soft skills
• Jena – the German City of Science 2008: a young and lively city with dynamic business activities, successful scientific centres of innovation and a vibrant cultural scene around the famous Friedrich Schiller University
Friedrich Schiller University Jena is an equal opportunity employer.
The application procedure is handled online exclusively via the JSMC website:
To apply, please acquaint yourself with the vacant PhD projects and the application process described on this website. Applications can only be considered upon receipt of the completed `Statement of Interest` form, submitted by email to before the deadlines listed below.
Selected applicants will be invited to a JSMC Recruitment Meeting in Jena, Germany, in September 2010. Awarding decisions will be made shortly thereafter, allowing for an immediate start of the PhD projects.
Application deadlines (i.e. deadline for submission of the completed `Statement of Interest` form):
For applicants who will require visa to attend the recruitment meeting in September: Deadline July 5, 2010
For applicants who will not require a visa: Deadline July 26, 2010
(Please note: applications from non-EU-national can only be considered if attendance at the recruitment meeting is possible with 2 weeks prior notice. Please provide an explanatory statement)
Postdoc in Economics at Aarhus University, Denmark
The Department of Economics, Aarhus School of Business, and the School of Economics and Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, invite applications for 1-2 positions as post doc researcher for a joint research project on `An economic analysis of the impact of the Scandinavian welfare state and flexicurity policies on Danish firms`.
2-year position as postdoc researcher
The open position(s) as post doc researcher is within the Research Unit on `An economic analysis of the impact of the Scandinavian welfare state and flexicurity policies on Danish firms` (for more information see The position is for a 2-year period.
The position is within one of the following specific areas: `Firms and labour market policies` and `Firms and family-friendly policies`. The project uses Danish register data. Thus, knowledge of econometric methods for analysis of both individual and longitudinal data is required. The starting date for the position is subject to individual negotiation.
The successful candidate must have completed his/her PhD before taking up the position. However, interim arrangements can be negotiated for a candidate that is in the defence phase of the PhD or is expected to complete the PhD in early 2010. Further information Further information about the host institutions and their research activities can be found at and
For further information, candidates are invited to contact Head of Department, Prof. Peter Jensen (+45 89 486 482/ or Head of School, Prof. Per Baltzer Overgaard (+45 89 421 605/
For further information about the research project, contact Professor Michael Rosholm, (+45 89 486 198/ or Professor Helena Skyt Nielsen (+45 89 421 594/
Klik disini
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt Institute for Theoretical Physics
2 PhD positions
At the Institute for Theoretical Physics of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Walter Hofstetter 2 PhD positions (salary level E13, 75%) will be available from August 1st, 2010 for a total duration of three years. Both positions are part of the DFG Research Unit FOR 801 `Strong Correlations in Multiflavor Quantum Gases`. For more information see
The ideal candidate is expected to have a masters degree (or equivalent) in theoretical condensed matter physics or quantum optics. Research experience in the fields of ultracold atomic physics, strongly correlated electrons or numerical simulations of strongly interacting quantum many-particle systems would be beneficial. Furthermore, the successful candidate should have the capability to work independently and show dedication to the research projects of the unit.
In the summer of 2005, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University was awarded the basic certificate of the audit Family-Friendly University. Great importance is attached to the family-friendly structuring of the university work-stream. Employees will be supported in their efforts to combine their professional life with family duties. In this context, part-time employment and models of job-sharing are facilitated. Candidates returning to work after maternity/paternity leave are encouraged to apply for re-employment. Frankfurt University is committed to equal opportunities and selection on merit. Female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Precedence will be given to handicapped candidates at equal qualification.
The deadline for applications is July 25th, 2010. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae and a description of their research interests to:
Prof. Dr. Walter Hofstetter,
Institut für Theoretische Physik der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität,
Campus Riedberg, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1,
60438 Frankfurt am Main.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Mesoscale Modeling of Nuclear Fuel at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NYU-Poly; Brooklyn, NY
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the Computational Mechanics Laboratory at NYU-Poly. The selected postdoctoral fellow will participate in a vibrant interdisciplinary research group and will be involved in a research effort which aims at modeling the behavior of nuclear fuel under extreme conditions. Computational mechanics and theory will be the principal tool of investigation.
• PhD. in mechanical engineering, materials science, computational materials science or a related field.
• Experience in at least two of the following areas: finite element modeling, Monte Carlo, phase field or molecular mechanics modeling.
• Experience in scientific computing (Fortran, C, or C++ programming, parallel computing, and Unix/Linux computing environments).
• Strong verbal and written communication skills.
• Demonstrated ability to work independently in a multidisciplinary research environment.
The initial appointment will be for one year, with a possibility of renewal contingent upon the availability of continuing funding and satisfactory performance.
How To Apply:
Please submit by email a single attachment that includes your CV, a brief statement of your research interests, and the contact information for two references to:
Prof. Rémi Dingreville (
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
6 MetroTech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-260-3461
Fax: 718-260-3532
PhD Grant at Ghent University
Position for a PhD Grant.
Laboratory for Protein Biochemistry and Biomolecular Engineering -L-PROBE-
Department Biochemistry and Microbiology
(Fac. of Sciences-Ghent University)
Description :
The Proteomics unit of the Laboratory for Protein Biochemistry and Biomolecular Engineering opens a PhD position in its research to understand the molecular mechanisms of type II secretion by bacteria. This project is a joint effort between the Structural Biology group of Prof. S. Savvides and the Proteomics unit headed by Prof. B. Devreese. The aim of this position is to use state-of-the-art proteomic technology to analyse the `secretome` of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia.
The position is immediately available, but starting date can be discussed.
Profile :
• You have a master degree in Biochemistry-Biotechology or related. (minimally a degree of `distinction` or equivalent is required).
• Students that are likely to obtain this degree before October 2010 are invited to sollicitate as well.
• You are strongly interested in scientific research and you are a team player.
• Experience in protein biochemistry, proteomics and/or microbiology are preferred.
• A strong interest in (bio)informatics is recommended.
• You are interested to apply for a PhD grant to the Flemish research agencies IWT or FWO.
For more information and for application, please mail to Sollicitation letters, incl. CV can be send electronically.
PhD Position in Cell Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry at Charles University; Prague
PhD position to work on the Exo70 family of cell morphogenesis regulators in Physcomitrella patens within the EU-ITN project PLANTORIGINS at the Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic).
We have a position open for a PhD student in our lab to study the functions of thirteen Exo 70 paralogues (putative subunits of the exocyst vesicle tethering complex) in Physcomitrella patens polar cell growth and morphogenesis. We use a large variety of tools from the disciplines of cell biology, genetics and biochemistry, as well as the gene targeting capabilities of moss, to study the mechanisms of Exo70 and exocyst functions in a moss type of early land plants.
For representative publications from the group see:
Synek L.,Schlager N.,Elias M., Quentin M., Hauser M-T., Zarsky V. AtEXO70A1, a member of a family of putative exocyst subunits specifically expanded in land plants, is important for polar growth and plant development. The Plant Journal 48:54-72, 2006.
Hala M, Cole R, Synek L, Drdová E, Pecenkova T, Nordheim A, Lamkemeyer T, Madlung J, Hochholdinger F, Fowler JE, Zarsky V. An Exocyst Complex Functions in Plant Cell Growth in Arabidopsis and Tobacco. The Plant Cell. 20:1330-45, 2008.
Žárský V, Cvrčková F, Potocký M, Hála M. Exocytosis and cell polarity in plants – exocyst and recycling domains. New Phytol. 183:255–272, 2009.
Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Faculty of Science / Dept. of Plant Physiology
Ovocný trh 3/5
116 36 - Praha 1
Czech Republic
fax +420 224 491 629
Website link:
70 PhD Positions Available in ICT at University of Trento, Italy
The deadline for applications is April 20, 2010, before 12 noon, local time.
The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science is one of the leading and faster-growing research institutions, characterized by a young and international faculty and by a large, international student population. Indicators for scientific production put the department among the very top in Europe.
The successful candidate will therefore have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and exciting environment.
Trento is a vibrant city with a beautifully preserved historic center, consistently ranked at the top for quality of life in Italy. It offers a variety of cultural and sports opportunities all year around, as well as excellent food and wine.

Links related to the programme:
1. DISI web site:
2. Research at DISI:
3. PhD School:
4. Online application for PhD Positions:
ICT International Doctoral School,
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Trento
Phone: +39 0461 883989
Fax: +39 0461 883964
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Competitive Research Grant by Danone Institute
About Us
Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation was incorporated in May 2007 a an independent, non-profit organization, separated from the Danone business units. The Foundation is supported by eight Scientifice Members from various institutions in Indonesia.
Promote the advancement and sharing of knowledge in the areas of diet, nutrition and health, focusing to address current and prevent future major local nutritional and health issues such as double-burden nutrition problems (under nutrition and over nutrition) of low-income Indonesian populations (Social Economic Class CDE).
Promote scientific research findings fieldworks recognized by local and international scientific communities in the related disciplines to the above mission, especially those leading to the creation of the low-cost food and safe water solutions to address the major local nutritional and health issues.
The scientific community gathered under DII shall be:
1. A link between scientists, and nutrition, health & education professionals, who bring relevant scientific knowledge to the attention of the public.
2. A clearing house for information on nutrition and diet-related subjects.
• To encourage the established research institutions pursuing new scientific findings/discoveries
• To reduce funding barrier for talented scholars in pursuing their doctorate thesis and encourage better quality researches
• To promote quality scientfic research of Indonesian scientists and bring stronger credibility of these findings & discoveries through the appearance in relevant international journals.
Our Programs
• Competitive research Grant for Doctorate students through educational institutions.
• Publication grant for publishing Indonesian research papers in international journals.
• Competitive Research Grant for established research Institutions (educational institutions - universities, colleges, - reputable NGOs, and other research-related institutions).
Themes for the Competitive Scientific Research Grants
1. Pregnant & lactating women
2. Children under the age of 2 years
3. Female adolescence (age 10 - 18 / premarital age)
4. Women of reproductive age
Improve maternal and child nutrition of the poor, which include:
• Innovation in the development of nutritionally balance and affordable complementary feeding for children 6-24 months.
• New effective strategies in communication, education and information (KIE) to reinforce the role of breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding.
• Development of local food products to fulfill nutritional needs of women.
Research on molecular biology, which are related to the above sub-themes
Scope of Research
• Nutrition related genetic
Dietetic and Clinical Nutrition:
• Nutritional related degenerative diseases
• Nutritional related communicable diseases
• Community & Public Health Nutrition
Nutrition and health promotion:
• Life style / Behavior change
• Environmental health
Food Security and Policy:
• Food security and safety
• Poverty
• Food economics
• Food and nutrition policy
Deadline for Submission
Apr 30, 2010 for research Jan - Dec 2011
All year around
MSc and PhD Studentships in Mathematics at National Autonomous University of Mexico
A number of fully funded PhD and Masters studentships are available within the Joint Postgraduate Program in Mathematical Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Campus Morelia, and the Michoacan University of San Nicolas of Hidalgo.
The PhD studentships are tenable for up to 3 years and have a stipend of 10,342 Mexican Pesos per month (816 US Dollars, equivalent to six Mexican minimum wages). The Masters studentships are tenable for up to 2 years and have a stipend of 7,757 Mexican Pesos per month (612 US Dollars, equivalent to four and a half Mexican minimum wages). Health coverage will be provided by the Mexican social security system.
Applicants should have or expect to gain a university degree in Mathematics or related discipline with an average of 8 or higher on a 10 point scale. Non-Spanish speakers are expected to become proficient in Spanish within two years.
The preferred starting date is 16th August 2010. Deadline for applications is 21st May 2010. The entrance exam is scheduled for 5th June 2010. Foreign students are required to arrange for a faculty member to supervise the exam at their home institution.
A complete application includes a covering letter addressed to the Comité Académico del Posgrado en Matemáticas specifying contact details, CV, copies of university degrees, a copy of an identity document (passport, driving licence, etc), and contact details of two academic referees. Applications should be send electronically to
For informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Elmar Wagner,
phone: +52 443 322 3500, ext. 4127,